Articles by Matthias Nistler

Defining your own shortcut in RStudio

March 11, 2020 | Matthias Nistler

In this blog post, Matthias shows you how to write and structure code even faster and more efficiently. Learn how to define keyboard shortcuts in RStudio with his step-by-step tutorial. Der Beitrag Defining your own shortcut in RStudio erschien zuerst auf STATWORX.
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rBokeh – Don’t be stopped by missing arguments!

October 17, 2019 | Matthias Nistler

rBokeh is an interactive plotting library. Since it functions lack some arguments compared to its Python counterpart, plots are sometimes difficult to customize. I will show how to overcome those issues and drill out the plot objects. Der Beitrag rBokeh – Don't be stopped by missing arguments! erschien zuerst auf STATWORX.
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rBokeh – Tipps and Tricks with JavaScript and beyond!

October 9, 2019 | Matthias Nistler

rBokeh is an interactive plotting library. It has the capability to extend its features with customized JavaScript code. I show the most important aspects, guide through an example, and provide some useful tipps how to handle likely issues. Der Beitrag rBokeh – Tipps and Tricks with JavaScript and beyond! erschien zuerst ...
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