Articles by Lukasz Bartnik

Deferred & Remote Function Execution in R

June 3, 2017 | Lukasz Bartnik

What would you say if you could automatically wrap your R pipeline – which consists of numerous functions and variables – into a single function? What would you say if you could do it repeatedly, with no extra effort regardless of its complexity? Would you store it to document your progress at ... [Read more...]

Inspecting R in GDB (with Python)

December 21, 2016 | Lukasz Bartnik

Today I spent a few hours debugging a hang R process that left a zombie sh which so far suggests bug (race condition?) in R’s system2() call. Anyway, it soon turned out that the only way to see what’s happening with R is to use gdb, which I ... [Read more...]

(A Very) Experimental Threading in R

December 11, 2016 | Lukasz Bartnik

I’ve been trying to find a way to introduce threads to R. I guess there can be many reasons to do that, among which I could mention simplified input/output logic, sending tasks to the background (e.g. building a model asynchronously), running computation-intensive tasks in parallel (e.g. ...
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