Articles by jlebeau

Retrieving Reading Levels with R

April 28, 2017 | jlebeau

For those that don't work in education or aren't aware, there is a measurement for a child's reading level called a Lexile ® Level.  There are ways in which this level can be retrieved using different reading assessments.  The measurement can be used to match a child's reading level to books ... [Read more...]

Neural Networks for Learning Lyrics

March 24, 2017 | jlebeau

I created a Twitter account which was inspired by a couple Twitter accounts that applied a particular type of machine learning technique to learn how two (at the time) presidential hopefuls spoke. I thought, why not see what a model like this could do with lyrics from my favorite rock ...
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Supreme Court Politics

December 5, 2016 | jlebeau

I had wanted to post this before the US Election, but time constraints didn't allow.  With the potential for new Supreme Court Justices in the next four years, many voters and namely single-issue voters rallied behind Donald Trump for his seeming support for a conservative justice.  Most of the people ...
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State of the Union Speeches and Data

January 20, 2016 | jlebeau

I've done a couple posts on the SOTU speeches.  In the past these dealt with word count, approval, and the vague notion that the applause the president receives has a relationship with his approval rating at that time (which had a lower correlation this year in fact). Wired had a ... [Read more...]

State of the Union Speeches and Data

January 20, 2016 | jlebeau

I've done a couple posts on the SOTU speeches.  In the past these dealt with word count, approval, and the vague notion that the applause the president receives has a relationship with his approval rating at that time (which had a lower correlatio... [Read more...]

Philip Glass Composition and Exploding Boxplot

January 14, 2016 | jlebeau

This post will highlight a couple of my favorite things.  R programming and composer Philip Glass.  For those of you not familiar with his works, he basically pioneered the "minimalist" style of piano playing.  He has been writing and performing music since the 60s, and his pieces are still heard ... [Read more...]

Marathon Races Shiny App

December 19, 2015 | jlebeau

About a year ago I posted about men's and women's marathon (and longer) distance races from the dataset.  In the meantime, Shiny development and the open source announcement of have brought data visualization to the next level.&nb... [Read more...]

Marathon Races Shiny App

December 19, 2015 | jlebeau

About a year ago I posted about men's and women's marathon (and longer) distance races from the dataset.  In the meantime, Shiny development and the open source announcement of have brought data visualization to the next level.  As an avid (at least former) runner, exploring marathon ... [Read more...]

Continental Language Diversity

November 3, 2015 | jlebeau

Since language data provides for the demonstration of many visualization techniques, I thought of using another set showing official languages spoken across continents using a new visualization in the "UpSetR" package.  The graph can be used for c... [Read more...]

Continental Language Diversity

November 3, 2015 | jlebeau

Since language data provides for the demonstration of many visualization techniques, I thought of using another set showing official languages spoken across continents using a new visualization in the "UpSetR" package.  The graph can be used for comparing sets of data numerically.  It provides an easier way to understand data ... [Read more...]

Language Difficulty and Diversity

June 17, 2015 | jlebeau

*For R users not interested in the post but the code, a markdown file is available on github.  Thanks to Zuguang Gu and Bob Rudis for the 'circlize' and 'waffle' packages respectively.I've been studying Arabic for about 10 months no... [Read more...]

Boston Elite Field 2015

April 19, 2015 | jlebeau

Last year I posted about how chances of a non-African country winning the Boston Marathon seemed to be good because of the widening interval of winning times (more recently there had been some historically "slower" races and some historically "faster" ... [Read more...]

Presidential Approval and Applause

January 26, 2015 | jlebeau

Some may have seen a twitter post about spurious correlations that myself and others mentioned on twitter.  Basically this was a joke about how correlation can be found in many things that certainly have no influence over each other.  I ... [Read more...]

Interactive Simple Networks

December 31, 2014 | jlebeau

This post isn't anything new in terms of analysis, but just a cooler look at a previous post.  I looked at board members of large companies in a previous blog post and showed via a simple network how they share board members and provided some... [Read more...]

Winning a Marathon (Part 2)

December 21, 2014 | jlebeau

In a previous post I looked at a data set published by the AARRS that provides a lot of data on marathons around the world and specifically the winning times of every* race.  After spending a bit more time with the data there are a few more things... [Read more...]

Winning a Marathon

December 5, 2014 | jlebeau

The proliferation and participation in the marathon has increased substantially in recent years.  No longer is the distance an event reserved for the super-athletic, but at least in the US one can from many vantage points on highways or streets se... [Read more...]

Syrian Refugee Informal Settlement Animation

October 26, 2014 | jlebeau

This is an animation of the growth in Syrian refugee informal camp settlements in Lebanon over the past several years.  You can see from the .gif that the growth was most dramatic in terms of the number of settlements in the Summer of 2013.  ... [Read more...]

Syrian Refugee Settlement Clinic Locations

September 30, 2014 | jlebeau

Previously I posted about the location of refugee settlements and how that had grown in density over time as well as in numbers.  As many NGOs and non-profits work in the area, they are providing much needed assistance to the people living around ... [Read more...]

Syrian Refugee Density in Lebanon

July 10, 2014 | jlebeau

I've done a few posts on Syria and have used data provided by the UNHCR for different analysis or visualization.  There are several links on their Syrian refugee data portal that communicate the breadth of this crisis numerically and vis... [Read more...]
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