Articles by Ista Zahn

My Data Science Tool Box

April 3, 2018 | Ista Zahn

This post describes the tools I currently use for working with data. People often ask me to recommend specific tools, and I always hesitate, because so much boils down to personal preference. I recently added a workshop to the DSS lineup providing an ... [Read more...]

Coming to terms with the pace of change in R

September 20, 2016 | Ista Zahn

Is it you or have I become old and cranky? I've been using R and mostly enjoying it since 2006. Lately I've been having some misgivings about the direction R as a community is headed. Some of these misgivings no doubt stem from reluctance to learn n... [Read more...]

Extracting content from .pdf files

August 12, 2016 | Ista Zahn

One of common question I get as a data science consultant involves extracting content from .pdf files. In the best-case scenario the content can be extracted to consistently formatted text files and parsed from there into a usable form. In the worst c... [Read more...]

Useless but fun R packages

June 20, 2016 | Ista Zahn

R is useful for many things. But, it is not only useful! There is plenty of fun to be had as well. In celebration of Summer I'm going to take a look at some useless (but fun!) R packages. Fortune teller fortunes is probably the best-known "just... [Read more...]

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