Articles by G-Tch

Sochi 2014, R, D3.js

February 18, 2014 | G-Tch

Ramnath design rCharts wich combine the powerful of open source R and D3.js.It give very pretty plots. Here is some code, using package XML to collect the data from and plot a kind of sankey diagram ... [Read more...]

Hadoop for R’s Data scientist

December 29, 2013 | G-Tch

I don’t exactly know where to start. But, after a real pleasant discussion with one of my ex colleague, it seems that there are many thongs around Hadoop ecosystem and R for analyst that should be said by a data scientist, means that, someone who don’t know much ... [Read more...]

Myown way to Data Science

October 28, 2013 | G-Tch

In my last post, I point the Road to data science, imagined by Swami. I think this road is too long and we can't make any difference  between the basics (we have to know) and the advanced(it's important to know, bu if not, it doesn't matter).So I'... [Read more...]

Road for Data Scientist by Swami

October 7, 2013 | G-Tch

Read away, A interesting post about skills to become Data Scientist.The post is about  Where to start? When do you start seeing light at the end of the tunnel? What is the learning roadmap? What tools and techniques do I need to know? &n... [Read more...]

Construire un moteur de reco simple avec R (1/2)

September 25, 2013 | G-Tch

Construire un moteur de rechercheOn va montrer comment on peut construire un moteur de recommandation simple en utilisant les outils de Textmining. Cette construction se fera en deux temps : On construit un moteur de recherche pour identifier par exemple, dans la base de données les éléments les plus ... [Read more...]

Ce que je sais sur les séries temporelles (1/5)

September 9, 2013 | G-Tch

Ce que je sais sur les séries temporelles (1/5) En lisant la préface de Flore Vasseur à l'essai “le monde en 2030 vu par la CIA”, j'ai été très frappé par mon manque de culture macroéconomique. En effet, un essaiqui parle de 2030, regorge presqu'essentiellement de prévisions macroéconomiques ... [Read more...]

Classifieur Naïf Bayésien

August 5, 2013 | G-Tch

IntroductionLe classifieur naïf bayésien est l'une des méthodes les plus simples en apprentissage supervisé basée sur le théorème de Bayes. il est peu utilisé par les praticiens du data mining au détriment des méthodes traditionnelles que sont les arbres de décision ... [Read more...]

What are my chances to talk to this girl? Fisher or Bayes

July 16, 2013 | G-Tch

Robert Mathews said that : "Ronald Fisher gave scientists a mathematical machine for turning baloney into breakthroughs, and ukes into funding. It is time to pull the plug.". He's right. In one previous life, I wrote a thesis in Philosophy. But, a specific area, Epistemology also calledtheory of knowledge, because, It ... [Read more...]

Analyse discriminante linéaire ou Regression logistique

July 10, 2013 | G-Tch

Supposons que l'on dispose d'iris de Paris (en population __100khabts) et qu'on veuille pouvoir les classer selon leurs caractéristiques sociodémos : Population taux de chômage Etudiants CSP etc... Une fois, les iris classés, on se demande si l'on peut transporter cette typologie à une autre grande ville (Lyon) ... [Read more...]

ggmap : Interesting toolbox for spatial analysis

July 7, 2013 | G-Tch

ggmap is a new tool which enables such visualization by combining the spatial information of static maps from Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Stamen Maps or CloudMade Maps with the layered grammar of graphics implementation of ggplot2The library is developped by David Kahle and Hadley Wickham and in the latest R/... [Read more...]

How to read quickly large dataset in R?

June 9, 2013 | G-Tch

Here, or there, I read many techniques to import a large dataset in R. The option read.table or read.csv doesn't work anyway because, as discusshere, R load in memory. And sometimes, when we try to load a big dataset, we got this message : Warning messages:  1: Reached total allocation ... [Read more...]

How logistic regression work ?

May 31, 2013 | G-Tch

Discussing with a non statistician colleague, it seems that the logistic regression is not intuitive; Some basics questions like : - Why don't use the linear model? - What's logistic function? - How can we compute by hand, step by step t... [Read more...]

Mining the last French presidential debate

May 18, 2013 | G-Tch

After reading this post (thanks to him), I think it could be interesting to replicate this with some specific up of french language and to see and we can perform rapid view of the debate between Sarkozy and Hollande of the last 2nd round of presidentia... [Read more...]

A new package : Quandl

May 12, 2013 | G-Tch

Quandl is a new database management tool which seeks to become the place to find datasets. That is, each unique indicator is considered an independent data set. This helps them to seem to have a ginormous quantity of data sets. Source : Blog Econo...
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SeminR – au Museum d’histoire naturelle

April 30, 2013 | G-Tch

JOURNEE R LE 24/05/2013 A PARIS - MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE VENEZ PARTAGER VOTRE (ME)CONNAISSANCE DE R ! Au programme : chimie, rapports automatisés, mélanges gaussiens, analyse spatiale, analyse de réseaux, interface R, atlas botanique, bases de données, analyse textuelle et biologie de l'évolutionInscription : http://rug.mnhn.... [Read more...]

R et Twitter

April 22, 2013 | G-Tch

[This article was first published on Learning Data Science , and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here) Want to share [Read more...]

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