Articles by erik

Twin Cities R User Group Meeting Tonight!

February 16, 2011 | erik

TCRUG will be having a meeting TONIGHT (2/16) at 5:30 PM. We will meet in ROOM 29 in Willey Hall. Willey Hall is located on the West Bank of the Minneapolis campus. See the Google map at Erik Iverson will be giving a talk ... [Read more...]

Rounded Corners in ggplot2 Graphics

February 11, 2011 | erik

Last night, while working on something else that I want to finish, I ended up indulging in a bit of "yak shaving". I wondered how easy it would be to generate graphics in ggplot2 with rounded corners. I don't think that there is any nativ... [Read more...]

R Function of the Day: foodweb

September 21, 2010 | erik

The R Function of the Day series will focus on describing in plain language how certain R functions work, focusing on simple examples that you can apply to gain insight into your own data. Today, I will discuss the foodweb function, found in... [Read more...]

Introduction to using R with org-babel, Part 1

May 23, 2010 | erik

This post originally appeared on my Wordpress blog on May 23, 2010. I present it here in its original form. In my opinion, the description of orgmode by its creator as a tool "for keeping notes, maintaining ToDo lists, doing project planning,... [Read more...]

R Function of the Day: sample

May 23, 2010 | erik

This post originally appeared on my Wordpress blog on May 23, 2010. I present it here in its original form. The R Function of the Day series will focus on describing in plain language how certain R functions work, focusing on simple example... [Read more...]

R Object Tooltips in ESS

October 1, 2009 | erik

This post originally appeared on my Wordpress blog on October 1, 2009. I present it here in its original form. Whether at work or for personal projects, I use ESS a lot to perform interactive data analyses. The ability to write, edit, and su... [Read more...]

R Function of the Day: cut

September 23, 2009 | erik

This post originally appeared on my Wordpress blog on September 23, 2009. I present it here in its original form. The R Function of the Day series will focus on describing in plain language how certain R functions work, focusing on simple ex... [Read more...]

R Function of the Day: rle

September 22, 2009 | erik

Edit: This post originally appeared on my Wordpress blog on September 22, 2009. I present it here in its original form. The R Function of the Day series will focus on describing in plain language how certain R functions work, focusing on sim... [Read more...]

R Function of the Day: tapply

September 20, 2009 | erik

Edit: This post originally appeared on my Wordpress blog on September 20, 2009. I present it here in its original form. The R Function of the Day series will focus on describing in plain language how certain R functions work, focusing on sim... [Read more...]

Welcome to Sigmafield

September 20, 2009 | erik

Edit: This post originally appeared on my Wordpress blog on September 20, 2009. I present it here in its original form. John Tukey's preface to Exploratory Data Analysis begins with a useful rule, "It is important to understand what you can... [Read more...]

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