Articles by Colin Fay

Playing with #rstatsnyc, Neo4J and R

April 21, 2018 | Colin Fay

A search on Twitter, some R, and just enough Neo4J. Disclaimer: of course everything here could be done in pure R. But hey, where’s the fun in that? Disclaimer bis: this blogpost relies on {neo4r}, a package still under active development. Get the tweets library(rtweet) ny % ...
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[How to] Write a purrr-like adverb

April 17, 2018 | Colin Fay

Create your own safely, compose and friends! What is an adverb If you read carefully the purrr documentation, you’ll find this simple explanation : Adverbs modify the action of a function; taking a function as input and returning a function with modified action as output. In other words, adverbs take ... [Read more...]

dockerfiler is now on CRAN

March 1, 2018 | Colin Fay

{dockerfiler} is a package that comes with a simple, object oriented API for Dockerfile creation, straight from your R session. Now on CRAN. Installation You can install {dockerfiler} from GitHub with: # install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_... [Read more...]

Explain R environments like I’m five

February 14, 2018 | Colin Fay

“Can you explain me what are environments in R?” The beginning of a series of blogpost about R concepts, explained to my daughter. Side note: no, my daughter is not five, and she’s not named Alice. And she doesn’t speak english either ¯\(... [Read more...]
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