dockerfiler is now on CRAN

[This article was first published on Colin Fay, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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{dockerfiler} is a package that comes with a simple, object oriented API for Dockerfile creation, straight from your R session. Now on CRAN.


You can install {dockerfiler} from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Or from CRAN with :


Basic worflow

By default, Dockerfiles are created with FROM "rocker/r-base". You can set another FROM in new()

# Create a dockerfile template
my_dock <- Dockerfile$new()
my_dock$MAINTAINER("Colin FAY", "[email protected]")

Wrap your raw R Code inside the r() function to turn it into a bash command with R -e.

my_dock$RUN(r(install.packages("attempt", repo = "")))

Classical Docker stuffs:

my_dock$RUN("mkdir /usr/scripts")
my_dock$RUN("cd /usr/scripts")
my_dock$COPY("plumberfile.R", "/usr/scripts/plumber.R")
my_dock$COPY("torun.R", "/usr/scripts/torun.R")
my_dock$CMD("Rscript /usr/scripts/torun.R ")

See your Dockerfile :


## FROM rocker/r-base
## MAINTAINER Colin FAY <[email protected]>
## RUN R -e 'install.packages("attempt", repo = "")'
## RUN mkdir /usr/scripts
## RUN cd /usr/scripts
## COPY plumberfile.R /usr/scripts/plumber.R
## COPY torun.R /usr/scripts/torun.R
## EXPOSE 8000
## CMD Rscript /usr/scripts/torun.R

If you’ve made a mistake in your script, you can switch lines with the switch_cmd method. This function takes as arguments the positions of the two cmd you want to switch :

# Switch line 8 and 7
my_dock$switch_cmd(8, 7)

## FROM rocker/r-base
## MAINTAINER Colin FAY <[email protected]>
## RUN R -e 'install.packages("attempt", repo = "")'
## RUN mkdir /usr/scripts
## RUN cd /usr/scripts
## COPY plumberfile.R /usr/scripts/plumber.R
## EXPOSE 8000
## COPY torun.R /usr/scripts/torun.R
## CMD Rscript /usr/scripts/torun.R

You can also remove a cmd with remove_cmd:


## FROM rocker/r-base
## MAINTAINER Colin FAY <[email protected]>
## RUN R -e 'install.packages("attempt", repo = "")'
## RUN mkdir /usr/scripts
## RUN cd /usr/scripts
## COPY plumberfile.R /usr/scripts/plumber.R
## EXPOSE 8000
## CMD Rscript /usr/scripts/torun.R

This also works with a vector:


## FROM rocker/r-base
## MAINTAINER Colin FAY <[email protected]>
## RUN R -e 'install.packages("attempt", repo = "")'
## RUN mkdir /usr/scripts
## CMD Rscript /usr/scripts/torun.R

Save your Dockerfile:



Questions and feedbacks welcome!

You want to contribute ? Open a PR 🙂 If you encounter a bug or want to suggest an enhancement, please open an issue.

To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Colin Fay. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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