Articles by Benedikt Orlowski

R combined gps-track plot of spatial intensity

August 30, 2011 | Benedikt Orlowski

To get a quick impression about the temporal stay of places it is helpful to generate a plot of the trackpoints spatial density (intensity). As the 3d visualisation has both advatages and disadvantages, a combination with a 2D plot is useful to interpret the data. The data used in this ... [Read more...]

Hägerstrand Time-Space Cube

November 30, 2010 | Benedikt Orlowski

  With the rgl package it’s possible to interact with the 3d visualization of the timespace tracks. Code example: plot3d(lon,lat,timedate, xlim=range(lon), ylim=range(lat), zlim=range(timedate), ticktype=”detailed”, xlab=”longitude”, ylab=”latitude”, zlab=”Date”, col= as.POSIXlt(daten[,"Date"])$mday, type=”l”, main=... [Read more...]

Time-Space Cloud with R

February 22, 2010 | Benedikt Orlowski

Here comes another option to analyze a TimeSpace-Track with R. A lattice cloud plots every recorded trackpoint into a 3d-time-space-cube. As the data (planar point pattern) is marked with the daytime, cluster of everyday routines become visible. Here the direct comparison between a function of density and the time-space-cloud. Code ... [Read more...]

Consumption and Shopping as an Event

February 6, 2010 | Benedikt Orlowski

This is an recent project about consumption and the categorization of consumers. The whole survey you can explore on: (german!). For the evaluation, R was used. “Der Verhaltensraum des Konsumenten – The Space of Consumer Behaviour” The Space shows the consumer in the center ... [Read more...]

Time-Space Analysis with R

February 6, 2010 | Benedikt Orlowski

Beside the visualisation of TimeSpace Tracks, I’m trying to find a way to analyze GPX-Tracks with statistical software. This are the first results with R (The R Project for Statistical Computing):   ^This graph is a result of the analysis with the package trip (Spatial analysis of animal track data). ... [Read more...]

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