Articles by artstein2017

R shiny custom docker server with caching

December 23, 2017 | artstein2017

So now we’re ready to deploy our own custom R Shiny server with caching. We had previously already discussed the pros and cons of hosting your own server, by this we mean a docker based server in the cloud Signing up at See this https://...
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R caching with financial data

December 22, 2017 | artstein2017

In the previous post we looked at a simple data caching example which we used to explore the workings of the R-package DataCache. In this post we continue with this exploration. Instead of just using system time as the datafeed we now use a more real world example of financial ... [Read more...]

R-caching (and scheduling)

December 22, 2017 | artstein2017

This is in preparation for running a custom Shiny server. We want to accelerate the server by using caching. In the this post we take a look at a candidate caching package. In this post we’ll explore a the package DataCache. It is a very useful package, however, I ... [Read more...]

R shiny stock analysis

December 16, 2017 | artstein2017

Introduction This post we deploy our own R-shiny app. You can select a stock The app fetches the data, does some number crunching and plots the results The source code is on github. Bear in mind that I might not run the demo-server indefinitely, or that it might not be ...
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Show R shiny app in WordPress

December 16, 2017 | artstein2017

This post we turn to R-shiny. First, we embed someone else’s existing shiny-app as an example to check that everything works as expected. For the embedding we use an iframe. We install the wordpress plugin Reframer The R-shiny app is from and is referenced in ... [Read more...]

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