Articles by arthur charpentier

Modeling Incomes and Inequalities

January 17, 2015 | arthur charpentier

Last week, in our Inequality course, we've been looking at data. We started with some simulated data, only a few of them __ library("ineq") __ load(url("")) __ (income=sort(income)) [1] 19233 23707 53297 61667 218662 How could we say that there is inequality in this sample? If we look at ... [Read more...]

Confidence vs. Credibility Intervals

November 26, 2014 | arthur charpentier

Tomorrow, for the final lecture of the Mathematical Statistics course, I will try to illustrate - using Monte Carlo simulations - the difference between classical statistics, and the Bayesien approach. The (simple) way I see it is the following, for frequentists, a probability is a measure of the the frequency ... [Read more...]

Reinterpreting Lee-Carter Mortality Model

November 18, 2014 | arthur charpentier

Last week, while I was giving my crash course on R for insurance, we’ve been discussing possible extensions of Lee & Carter (1992) model. If we look at the seminal paper, the model is defined as follows Hence, it means that This would be a (non)linear model on the logarithm ... [Read more...]

Shapefiles from Isodensity Curves

November 3, 2014 | arthur charpentier

Recently, with @3wen, we wanted to play with isodensity curves. The problem is that it is difficult to get – numerically – the equation of the contour (even if we can easily plot it). Consider the following surface (just for fun, in order to illustrate the idea) __ f=function(x,y) x*... [Read more...]

What happens if we forget a trivial assumption ?

October 4, 2014 | arthur charpentier

Last week, @dmonniaux published an interesting post entitled l’erreur n’a rien d’original  on  his blog. He was asking the following question : let , and denote three real-valued coefficients, under which assumption on those three coefficients does has a real-valued root ? Everyone aswered , but no one mentioned that it ... [Read more...]

Multiple Tests, an Introduction

September 24, 2014 | arthur charpentier

Last week, a student asked me about multiple tests. More precisely, she ran an experience over – say – 20 weeks, with the same cohort of – say – 100 patients. An we observe some size=100 nb=20 set.seed(1) X=matrix(rnorm(size*nb),size,nb) (here, I just generate some fake data). I can visualize ... [Read more...]

Computational Actuarial Science, with R

August 24, 2014 | arthur charpentier

The book Computational Actuarial Science, with R is officially out. In the introduction of the book, and on the website of CRC, it is mentioned that the datasets can be found “in an R package on CRAN“, which is unfortunately incorrect. Some datasets are too large, so the package can ... [Read more...]

Social Media Mining and Bioinformatics (with R)

August 5, 2014 | arthur charpentier

In June and July, I receive copies of two books, Social Media Mining with R, by Nathan Danneman and Richard Heimann Bioinformatics with R Cookbook, by Paurush Praveen Sinha For the first one, two recent interesting books deal with the same topic. Reza Zafarani, Mohammad Ali Abbasi and Huan Liu ... [Read more...]
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