Articles by arthur charpentier

Maps with R, part… n+1

January 11, 2011 | arthur charpentier

Following the idea posted on James Cheshire's blog (here), I have tried to play a little bit with R and Google. And it works ! Consider for instance life expectancy at birth (that can be found - and downloaded - here). Using the following code, it ...
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Cursed numbers ?

January 11, 2011 | arthur charpentier

In Lost, Hugo “Hurley” Reyes played the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 at the lottery, and ended up winning the $114-million jackpot. And over the ensuing weeks, everyone around him seems to suffer increasingly bad luck: Hurley’s grandfathe...
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Tennis and risk management

December 16, 2010 | arthur charpentier

As mentioned already here, while we were going to Québec City for the workshop, we had interesting discussions in the car, and Maciej mentioned an article recently published in The Actuary, Hence, I wanted to discuss (extremely) rare event probabi...
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Pretty R code in the blog

November 5, 2010 | arthur charpentier

David Smith (alias @revodavid, see also on the Revolutions blog, here) pointed out that my R code was not easy to read (not only due to my computing skills, but mainly because of the typography I use). He suggested that I use the Pretty R tool (her... [Read more...]

Splines: opening the (black) box…

November 4, 2010 | arthur charpentier

Splines in regression is something which looks like a black box (or maybe like some dishes you get when you travel away from home: it tastes good, but you don't what's inside... even if you might have some clues, you never know for sure*). With spl... [Read more...]

Comments on probabilities

November 2, 2010 | arthur charpentier

The only thing I remember from courses I had in probability a few years ago is that we also have to clearly defined the event we want to calculate the probability. On the Freakonomics blog, last week, the Israeli lottery was mentioned (here, see a... [Read more...]

Names of villages, in France

November 2, 2010 | arthur charpentier

Keith Briggs published a post here on names of English place name element distribution, which contains almost twenty maps like the one where names ends by -bourn,bourne,burn (here) or -head (there). Actually, it is possible (Robin mentioned that a... [Read more...]
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