Articles by Alex Boulangé

automl package: part 2/2 first steps how to

October 24, 2018 | Alex Boulangé

first steps: how to For those who will laugh at seeing deep learning with one hidden layer and the Iris data set of 150 records, I will say: you’re perfectly right ???? The goal at this stage is simply to take the first steps fit a regression model manually (hard way) ...
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automl package: part 1/2 why and how

October 21, 2018 | Alex Boulangé

Why & how automl package automl package provides: Deep Learning last tricks (those who have taken Andrew NG’s MOOC on Coursera will be in familiar territory) hyperparameters autotune with metaheuristic (PSO) experimental stuff and more to come (you’re welcome as coauthor!) Deep Learning existing frameworks, disadvantages Deploying and maintaining ...
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