Articles by Abed

What a time to be alive! Hourly solar data in R.

April 8, 2021 | Abed

I'm very happy to be speaking at the next meeting of the Calgary RUG in about two weeks' time. A full synopsis of the talk, which is scheduled for 18:00 hours/6:00 PM Mountain Time (Alberta, Montana, Colorado, etc) on 21 April can be found here: I ... [Read more...]

Using the lpSolve package in R to optimise an electricity system

August 14, 2019 | Abed

Reducing carbon emissions is maybe the world's most pressing challenge at the moment. One obvious avenue for action is the reduction of carbon emissions from electricity generation, which are a significant contributor to global carbon emissions overall. This is particularly true if trends now in place continue undisturbed, with the ...
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