How Are P-values Distributed Under The Null?
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I sometimes use this fun interview question for aspiring data scientists:
How are p-values distributed assuming the null hypothesis is true?

I’ve heard a lot of reasonable answers, including:
- It should be centered towards large values
- it should have almost zero mass below 0.05
- It depends on the model
- It depends on the null hypothesis
All very reasonable and intuitive answers which I would probably, at some point, have given myself. They’re also all wrong.
The (perhaps surprising) answer is that under any null hypothesis, the p-values are uniformly distributed: all p-values between 0 and 1 are equally likely.
Before we give a formal proof, here’s some intuition. For any significance level $\alpha$, how often will a statistical test under the null yield a significant result? Of course $\alpha$, by the definition of the significance level. But for a test to be significant at $\alpha$, it must be true that the p-value $p < \alpha$. So we’re saying that $p < \alpha$ with probability $\alpha$. Or $Pr(p < \alpha) = \alpha$, which is the definition of a uniform distribution.
More formally, when we perform a statistical test, we calculate some statistic $\hat{S}$ from the data. Under the null, this statistic follows some distribution $S$. The statistic $\hat{S}$ is associated with a p-value $\hat{p}$, which by definition is the probability that the test statistic is at least as extreme as $\hat{S}$: $\hat{p} = Pr(S > \hat{S})$. But note also that for the p-value to be smaller than $\hat{p}$ would require that the test statistic be larger than $\hat{S}$, so $Pr(p < \hat{p}) = Pr(S > \hat{S})$, which we just said is equal to $\hat{p}$. So $Pr(p < \hat{p}) = \hat{p}$, which is again the definition of a uniform distribution.
Notice that nowhere did I have to assume anything about $S$, the distribution of the test statistic. This result holds no matter what test statistic we do. Let’s see this in action for two common statistical tests.
The t-test
The t-test tests for the equality of means between two samples. The null hypothesis states that both samples are drawn from the same (normal) distribution. So, to see how the p-value is distributed, we’ll draw two equal-sized samples from the same distribution, compute the p-value from the t-test, and repeat:
one_ttest <- function() { x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) test <- t.test(x, y) test$p.value } p_values_ttest <- replicate(1000, one_ttest()) hist(p_values_ttest)

As expected, the p-values are uniformly distributed from 0 to 1. There is no evidence of any accumulation of mass towards higher values, nor is there any evidence that p-values smaller than 0.05 are less likely.
The binomial test
The binomial test tests whether an empirical proportion is different than a hypothesized proportion $p$. The null hypothesis states that the sample is drawn from a population where the condition of interest happens with probability $p$. So we’ll follow the same method as above:
one_binomtest <- function() { prob <- 0.2 successes <- rbinom(1, 1000, prob) test <- binom.test(successes, 1000, p = prob) test$p.value } p_values_binomtest <- replicate(1000, one_binomtest()) hist(p_values_binomtest)

As above, there’s no reason to suspect that the p-values are anything else than uniformly distributed
In the t-test or the binomial test we didn’t have to specify any significance level, we just looked at the distribution of a p-value assuming the null hypothesis to be true. We found that, as predicted by theory, the p-values are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, and that therefore the probability of rejecting the null at a significance level $\alpha$ is precisely $\alpha$. All p-values between 0 and 1 are equally likely, no matter what statistical test you use (with some exceptions, such as a discrete test distribution).
I’ve posted a short YouTube video illustrating these examples.
The post How Are P-values Distributed Under The Null? first appeared on David's blog. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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