Selecting Rows with Specific Values: Exploring Options in R

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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In R, we often need to filter data frames based on whether a specific value appears within any of the columns. Both base R and the dplyr package offer efficient ways to achieve this. Let’s delve into both approaches and see how they work!


Example 1 – Use dplyr

The dplyr package provides a concise and readable syntax for data manipulation. We can achieve our goal using the filter() function in conjunction with if_any().


filtered_data <- data %>%
  filter(if_any(everything(), ~ .x == "your_value"))

Let’s break down the code:

  • data: This represents your data frame.
  • filter(): This function keeps rows that meet a specified condition.
  • if_any(): This checks if the condition is true for any of the columns.
  • everything(): This indicates we want to consider all columns.
  • .x: This represents each individual column within the everything() selection.
  • == "your_value": This is the condition to check. Here, we are looking for rows where the value in any column is equal to “your_value”.



data <- data.frame(
  fruit = c("apple", "banana", "orange"),
  color = c("red", "yellow", "orange"),
  price = c(0.5, 0.75, 0.6)

data %>%
  filter(if_any(everything(), ~ .x == "apple"))
  fruit color price
1 apple   red   0.5

This code will return the row where “apple” appears in the “fruit” column.

Example 2 – Base R Approach

Base R offers its own set of functions for data manipulation. We can achieve the same row filtering using apply() and logical operations.

# Identify rows with the value
row_indices <- apply(data, 1, function(row) any(row == "your_value"))

# Subset the data
filtered_data <- data[row_indices, ]


  • apply(data, 1, ...): This applies a function to each row of the data frame. The 1 indicates row-wise application.
  • function(row) any(row == "your_value"): This anonymous function checks if “your_value” is present in any element of the row using the any() function and returns TRUE or FALSE.
  • row_indices: This stores the logical vector indicating which rows meet the condition.
  • data[row_indices, ]: We subset the data frame using the logical vector, keeping only the rows where the condition is TRUE.


data <- data.frame(
  fruit = c("apple", "banana", "orange"),
  color = c("red", "yellow", "orange"),
  price = c(0.5, 0.75, 0.6)

row_indices <- apply(data, 1, function(row) any(row == "apple"))
filtered_data <- data[row_indices, ]
  fruit color price
1 apple   red   0.5

This code will also return the row where “apple” appears.

Example 3 - Base R Approach 2

Another base R approach involves using the rowSums() function to identify rows with the specified value.

# Identify rows with the value
filtered_rows <- which(rowSums(data == "your_value") > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
df_filtered <- data[filtered_rows, ]

While dplyr offers a concise approach, base R also provides solutions using loops. Here’s one way to achieve the same result:

  • which(rowSums(df == value) > 0, arr.ind = TRUE): This part finds the row indices where the sum of elements in each row being equal to the value is greater than zero (indicating at least one match).
  • rowSums(df == value): Calculates the sum across rows, checking if any value in the row matches the target value.
  • > 0: Filters rows where the sum is greater than zero (i.e., at least one match).
  • arr.ind = TRUE: Ensures the output includes both row and column indices (useful for debugging but not required here).
  • df[filtered_rows, ]: Subsets the original data frame (df) based on the identified row indices (filtered_rows), creating the filtered data frame (df_filtered).


filtered_rows <- which(rowSums(data == "apple") > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
df_filtered <- data[filtered_rows, ]
  fruit color price
1 apple   red   0.5

This code will return the row where “apple” appears in any column.


All methods effectively select rows with specific values in any column. Experiment with them and different approaches on your own data and with different conditions!

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