An introductory course in Shiny – July sessions

[This article was first published on Pachá, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Learn how to build an interactive application such as


This course aims to introduce people with basic R knowledge to develop interactive web applications using the Shiny framework.

The course consists of two days, one-hour session per day, where we will discuss topics such as user interface (UI), server-side logic (tables and graphs that respond to user selection), dashboard components, and the creation of modular components. Questions are super welcome!

The course will be held online (Zoom) from 17.30 to 18.30 (Eastern Time), two days a week.

Previous knowledge required: Basic R (examples: reading a CSV file, transforming columns and making graphs using ggplot2).

For references such as my CV, academic work and others, you can check my website:

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