Roll up, roll up the NHS-R Community Conference 2021 is coming to town
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The conference will be held virtually and will kick-off :
Monday 8th of November – Wednesday 10th November
Featuring: Main Conference Events. This will include more workshops, lightning talks and plenary sessions.
And the week before we will have lots of hands-on workshops:
Monday 1st November – Friday 5th November
Series of workshops for all R levels, including Introduction to R training, package usage and tips and tricks. Further details and how to register will be released shortly.
Key note speakers
These two influential R contributors:

Julia Silge – co-creator of tidytext and now works with Max Kuhn on building out the TidyModels package. You can follow her here:
Frank Harrell – Professor of Biostatistics at Vanderbilt University who specialises in all things statistical modelling and bayesian. Professor of Statistical Thinking himself:
These are just the initial speakers we have lined up, but there are many more from the NHS and other sectors discussing how R is being used in the NHS and other settings, as well as the future direction of data science and programming languages? I will also be there giving a talk on NHS-R solutions and doing a package demonstration of the NHSDataDictionaRy package – a package for key NHS lookups, and other useful web scraping tools.
When will the full conference be announced?
If this is not enough, the full conference agenda and series of events is set to be released very soon. We are aiming to do this next week, so watch this space.
Please follow the NHS-R community on Twitter to keep up to date with all the updates, and this will also be shared on the NHS-R community website.
Follow @NHSrCommunityRegistration
Please register now before it is too late to grab a ticket to the 100% FREE event.
Registration is done through Eventbrite: and to check on the upcoming announcements and conference programme, check here:
Goodies up for grabs
Please make sure that you complete our annual survey by midnight on 4th October 2021. The results will be used to inform the conference planning and our offer of support for you and the wider NHS-R Community.
Everyone who completes the survey will be in with a chance of winning a £50 book token! The results will be presented at the NHS-R Community Conference 2021.
The NHS-R community conference is OPEN TO EVERYONE and we cannot wait to see you there offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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