{attachment} v0.2.0 : find dependencies in your scripts and fill package DESCRIPTION

[This article was first published on Rtask, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: {attachment} v0.2.0 : find dependencies in your scripts and fill package DESCRIPTION

New version of {attachment} has been published on CRAN ! We continue to improve its functionalities to help you deal with dependencies in R, in particular during package development.

Since our last blog post presenting the aim of {attachment}, two versions reached CRAN. The full documentation is available on the {pkgdown} website : https://thinkr-open.github.io/attachment.
Still, for package developers, att_amend_desc() keeps being your best friend after each change in your package. Just before devtools::check() as we explain in our guide for package development along with documentation.

Install {attachment} from CRAN or GitHub

CRAN version


Development version

# install.packages("devtools")

{attachment} 0.2.0: Find dependencies in Rmarkdown inline code

Breaking changes

  • att_to_description() deprecated in favor of att_amend_desc() to be first in auto-completion list, as this is the most used function of this package
  • att_from_rmd() gets parameter inline = TRUE by default to explore calls for packages in inline R code.
  • att_from_rmd() and att_from_rmds() are not anymore executed in separate R session by default. You must set inside_rmd = TRUE to do so.


{attachment} 0.1.0: Allow {bookdown} gitbook DESCRIPTION

Find out how to fill DESCRIPTION for your {bookdown} in the documentation: https://thinkr-open.github.io/attachment/articles/fill-pkg-description.html#for-bookdown-1

  • att_amend_desc() is an alias for att_to_description()
  • att_desc_from_is() amends DESCRIPTION file from imports/suggests vector of packages
  • att_to_desc_from_pkg() is an alias for att_to_description()
  • Removed dependency to {devtools}, replace by {roxygen}
  • att_to_description() shows packages added/removed from DESCRIPTION
  • att_to_description() deals with dependencies in tests/ directory
  • att_from_rmds() allows user defined regex to detect Rmd files

This post is better presented on its original ThinkR website here: {attachment} v0.2.0 : find dependencies in your scripts and fill package DESCRIPTION

To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Rtask.

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