Detecting U12-type introns using IntEREst R/Biocondcutor package
[This article was first published on gacatag, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Ali Oghabian
The topics covered in this post are:
- R and IntEREst version
- Files in the zip
- Annotating u12 type introns of HG38
- ncRNAs with U12-type introns
- U12 annotation comparison
- Reference
Files in the zip
You can download the zip file the includes all the scripts and R objects from here. The files in the zip/folder include:
R object file. A data frame that includes various annotations and information for the latest ENSEMBL genes (GRCh38.p12).AllU12Introns.tsv
Tab separated text file. Includes the detecetd U12-type introns and their annotations.ens38UncolMod.rda
ENSEMBL reference that includes gene and transcript IDs together with coordinates of the introns and exons.ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14.rda
R object file. Data frame with U12/U2 type annotation of the reference (hg38) introns, the U12 GT-AG or AT-AC subtype intfo and the PWM match scores.allIntronsU12annotationGeneType.tsv
Tab separated text file. Includes all annotated U12 type introns.nonProtCodingU12Introns.tsv
Tab separated text file. Includes the detecetd U12 type introns that were annotated as NOT
an RMarkdown file that was used to generate this
the HTML file that was generated fromreport.Rmd
Tab separated text file. Includes the detecetd U12-type introns that were annotated to be lncRNAs.
R and IntEREst version
Please note the R version and the IntEREst version used for these analysis:
R.Version() ## $platform ## [1] "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" ## ## $arch ## [1] "x86_64" ## ## $os ## [1] "linux-gnu" ## ## $system ## [1] "x86_64, linux-gnu" ## ## $status ## [1] "Under development (unstable)" ## ## $major ## [1] "3" ## ## $minor ## [1] "6.0" ## ## $year ## [1] "2018" ## ## $month ## [1] "05" ## ## $day ## [1] "02" ## ## $`svn rev` ## [1] "74682" ## ## $language ## [1] "R" ## ## $version.string ## [1] "R Under development (unstable) (2018-05-02 r74682)" ## ## $nickname ## [1] "Unsuffered Consequences" packageVersion("IntEREst") ## [1] '1.7.5'
Annotating u12 type introns of HG38
Initially, a reference data frame was produced from ENSEMBL HG38 (GRCh38.p12). Note that in order to be able to run the R scripts in the document you should set the R working directory to the folder that contains the extrcated files form the zip file.
# Time demanding ens38Uncol<- referencePrepare (sourceBuild="biomaRt", biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", biomartDataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl", biomartHost="", ignore.strand=FALSE, annotateGeneIds=TRUE, collapseExons=FALSE)
Next the U12-type introns were annotated using donor socre threoshold 0.07 and branch point score threshold 0.14. If an intron was not annotated as a U12-type or a U2-type we considered it as U2-type (i.e. the default parameter setting
setNaAs= "U2"
was used). # Time demanding library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38) # Building PWM pwmPaste<-buildSsTypePwms(u12DonorBegin=13, u2DonorBegin=11, u2AcceptorBegin=38, u12DonorEnd=17, u2DonorEnd=17, u2AcceptorEnd=40, pasteSites=TRUE) save(pwmPaste, file="./pwmPaste.rda") # Ignore 3' end nucleotide # Annotations will be based on Donor and BP scores accPasteScore=as.matrix(pwmPaste[[3]]) for(i in 1:nrow(accPasteScore))accPasteScore[i,1]=0 # Modify the chr names of the reference data.frame if(length(grep("^chr",ens38Uncol$chr))==0) ens38Uncol$chr<- paste("chr", ens38Uncol$chr, sep="") accPasteScore=as.matrix(pwmPaste[[3]]) for(i in 1:nrow(accPasteScore))accPasteScore[i,1]=0 ens38UncolMod<- ens38Uncol[which(ens38Uncol$chr %in% paste("chr", c(1:22,"X","Y", "MT"), sep="")),] ens38UncolMod[which(ens38UncolMod$chr == "chrMT"),]<- "chrM" save(ens38UncolMod, file="./ens38UncolMod.rda") # Annotate U12-type introns using donor and BP of U12- and Donor and acceptor # sites of U2-type introns. ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14<- annotateU12( pwmU12U2= list( pwmPaste[[1]], pwmPaste[[2]], accPasteScore, pwmPaste[[4]], pwmPaste[[5]]), pwmSsIndex= list( indexDonU12=1, indexBpU12=1, indexAccU12=1, indexDonU2=1, indexAccU2=1), referenceChr= ens38UncolMod[,"chr"], referenceBegin= as.numeric(ens38UncolMod[,"begin"]), referenceEnd= as.numeric(ens38UncolMod[,"end"]), referenceIntronExon= ens38UncolMod[,"int_ex"], intronExon= "intron", matchWindowRelativeUpstreamPos= c(2,-40,NA,NA,NA), matchWindowRelativeDownstreamPos= c(6,-3,NA,NA,NA), minMatchScore= c( .07, .14, 0, .07, 0), refGenome= BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, setNaAs= "U2", annotateU12Subtype= TRUE, includeMatchScores= TRUE) save(ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14, file="./ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14.rda")
The number of the detected U12-type introns are as follows:
load(file="./ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14.rda") # Number of U12-type intron table(ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14$int_type) ## ## U12 U2 ## 3528 1051845 # Number of unique U12-type intron indU12<- which(ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14$int_type=="U12") length( unique(paste(ens38UncolMod[indU12,"chr"], ens38UncolMod[indU12,"begin"], ens38UncolMod[indU12,"end"], sep="_"))) ## [1] 826 # Number of U12-type intron subtypes table(ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14$u12_subtype) ## ## AT-AC GT-AG ## 903 2625 # Number of unique U12-type intron subtypes uniCoord<- unique(paste(ens38UncolMod[indU12,"chr"], ens38UncolMod[indU12,"begin"], ens38UncolMod[indU12,"end"], sep="_")) coord<- paste(ens38UncolMod[indU12,"chr"], ens38UncolMod[indU12,"begin"], ens38UncolMod[indU12,"end"], sep="_") indUni<-match(uniCoord, coord) table(ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14$u12_subtype[indU12[indUni]]) ## ## AT-AC GT-AG ## 195 631
ncRNAs with U12-type introns
To detect the ncRNAs, initially various annotations of ENSEMBL genes, e.g. extrenal gene name and biotype (description), were downloaded using Using biomaRt.
ensembl<- biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host="", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") annoFil<- biomaRt::getBM( attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id", "ensembl_transcript_id", "external_gene_name", "gene_biotype", "transcript_biotype"), filters = "ensembl_transcript_id", values = unique(ens38UncolMod$transcript_id), mart=ensembl, uniqueRows = TRUE) save(annoFil, file="./annoFil.rda") indPick<- which((transcript_biotype=="lincRNA" | transcript_biotype=="bidirectional_promoter_lncRNA") & ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14$int_type=="U12") U12Linc<-ens38UncolMod[indPick,] donPos=Biostrings::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, names=U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="+",1], start= as.numeric(U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="+",2]), end= as.numeric(U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="+",2])+9, as.character=TRUE) accNeg=Biostrings::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, names=U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="-",1], start= as.numeric(U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="-",2]), end= as.numeric(U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="-",2])+39, as.character=TRUE) accPos=Biostrings::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, names=U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="+",1], start=as.numeric(U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="+",3])-39, end=as.numeric(U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="+",3]) , as.character=TRUE) donNeg=Biostrings::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, names=U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="-",1], start=as.numeric(U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="-",3])-9, end=as.numeric(U12Linc[U12Linc[,4]=="-",3]), as.character=TRUE) donNeg<- as.vector( as.character(Biostrings::reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(donNeg)))) accNeg<- as.vector( as.character(Biostrings::reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(accNeg)))) accPos<- as.vector(accPos) donPos<- as.vector(donPos) donorSeq<- rep("",nrow(U12Linc)) acceptorSeq<- rep("",nrow(U12Linc)) donorSeq[U12Linc[,4]=="+"]<-donPos donorSeq[U12Linc[,4]=="-"]<-donNeg acceptorSeq[U12Linc[,4]=="+"]<-accPos acceptorSeq[U12Linc[,4]=="-"]<-accNeg U12LincMat<- cbind(U12Linc, donorSeq, acceptorSeq) # Write lincRNA U12-type introns write.table(U12LincMat, file="./U12LncRNA.tsv", col.names=T, row.names=F, sep='\t', quote=F) # write data frame with info for all introns write.table( cbind(ens38UncolMod, external_gene_name, ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14, transcript_biotype), file="./allIntronsU12annotationGeneType.tsv", col.names=T, row.names=F, sep='\t', quote=F) # Build datat frame with U12 type introns info u12Out<- cbind(ens38UncolMod, ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14, external_gene_name, transcript_biotype)[which( ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14$int_type=="U12"),] donPos=Biostrings::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, names=u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="+",1], start= as.numeric(u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="+",2]), end= as.numeric(u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="+",2])+9, as.character=TRUE) accNeg=Biostrings::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, names=u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="-",1], start= as.numeric(u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="-",2]), end= as.numeric(u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="-",2])+39, as.character=TRUE) accPos=Biostrings::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, names=u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="+",1], start=as.numeric(u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="+",3])-39, end=as.numeric(u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="+",3]) , as.character=TRUE) donNeg=Biostrings::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, names=u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="-",1], start=as.numeric(u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="-",3])-9, end=as.numeric(u12Out[u12Out[,4]=="-",3]), as.character=TRUE) donNeg<- as.vector(as.character(Biostrings::reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(donNeg)))) accNeg<- as.vector(as.character(Biostrings::reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(accNeg)))) accPos<- as.vector(accPos) donPos<- as.vector(donPos) donorSeq<- rep("",nrow(u12Out)) acceptorSeq<- rep("",nrow(u12Out)) donorSeq[u12Out[,4]=="+"]<-donPos donorSeq[u12Out[,4]=="-"]<-donNeg acceptorSeq[u12Out[,4]=="+"]<-accPos acceptorSeq[u12Out[,4]=="-"]<-accNeg u12OutSeq<- cbind(u12Out, donorSeq, acceptorSeq) write.table( u12OutSeq, file="./AllU12Introns.tsv", col.names=T, row.names=F, sep='\t', quote=F) write.table( u12OutSeq[which(u12OutSeq$transcript_biotype!="protein_coding"),], file="./nonProtCodingU12Introns.tsv", col.names=T, row.names=F, sep='\t', quote=F)
U12 annotation comparison
Changes in the parameter settings of the
function may lead to detection of different sets of U12-type introns. Here, we compare the U12-type introns detected from the same annotateU12()
run as mentioned above (on a reference built from HG19) to those reported by Merico, D. et al.Detected U12 type introns for HG19 compared to those detected by merico, D. et al.
The following scripts were used in R to generate the
file from the suppl1.Rmd
file. library("rmarkdown") render("./report.Rmd")
- Merico,D. et al. (2015) Compound heterozygous mutations in the noncoding RNU4ATAC cause Roifman Syndrome by disrupting minor intron splicing. Nat Commun, 6, 8718.
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