ViennaR Meetup March – Impressions
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For all who couldn’t make it to our last ViennaR Meetup on March 18, 2019 at Webster Vienna Private University here just a short summary of the talks and takeaways.
The Introduction covered a short history of the ViennaR Meetup and the special relationship between R and Vienna through the R-foundation, 2 R-core members (Kurt Hornik and Fritz Leisch) and one of the first organized R conferences – the DSC 1999.
You can download the slides of the introduction here.

Laura Vana introduced the R-Ladies Vienna – a program initiated by the R-Consortium to
achieve proportionate representation by encouraging, inspiring, and empowering the minorities currently underrepresented in the R community. R-Ladies’ primary focus, therefore, is on supporting the R enthusiasts who identify as an underrepresented minority to achieve their programming potential, by building a collaborative global network of R leaders, mentors, learners, and developers to facilitate individual and collective progress worldwide.
Visit the Meetup site to find out more about upcoming R-Ladies events including workshops covering an R Introduction and Bayesian Statistics.
Tidy(er) Data
Hadley Wickham’s talk covered the tidyr package and two new functions: pivot_wide()
and pivot_long()
which have finally been renamed to pivot_wider()
and pivot_longer()
as a result of a survey, see also the posts on Twitter and Github. These function should replace gather()
and spread()
since they seem to be hard-to-remember for most users coming to tidyr.
First Impressions
Below you can find the first impressions of the Meetup on our new Youtube channel. The full talks are still being cut and optimized – so stay tuned for the full talks from Laura and Hadley – to be released on our Youtube Channel by next week – feel free to subscribe 🙂
See you at one of our next Meetups/Courses/Get-Togethers!
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