Match function in R
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The match() function returns a vector of the position of first occurrence of the vector1 in vector2. If the element of the vector1 does not exist in vector2, NA is returned.
Syntax: match(vector1, vector2, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
vector1: vector, the values to be matched
vector2: vector, the values to be matched against
nomatch: the value which should be returned when no match is found
incomparables: the vector of values that cannot be matched.
By default the nomatch argument will return NA in case the match is not found in vector2.
According to the R Documentation the %in% operator is equivalent to match(). It is a logical vector which indicates whether a match was located for vector1 in vector2. The result value will be either TRUE or FALSE but never NA. So the %in% operator can be useful in if conditions.
Syntax: vector1 %n% vector2
print(match(5, c(1,2,9,5,3,6,7,4,5))) [1] 4 5 %in% c(1,2,9,5,3,6,7,4,5) [1] TRUE 8 %in% c(1,2,9,5,3,6,7,4,5) [1] FALSE > v1 <- c("a1","b2","c1","d2") > v2 <- c("g1","x2","d2","e2","f1","a1","c2","b2","a2") > x <- match(v1,v2) > x [1] 6 8 NA 3 > v1 <- c("a1","b2","c1","d2") > v2 <- c("g1","x2","d2","e2","f1","a1","c2","b2","a2") > v1 %in% v2 [1] TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE > v1 <- c("a1","b2","c1","d2") > v2 <- c("g1","x2","d2","e2","f1","a1","c2","b2","a2") > x <- match(v1,v2, nomatch = 0) > x [1] 6 8 0 3 > v1 <- c("a1","b2","c1","d2") > v2 <- c("g1","x2","d2","e2","f1","a1","c2","b2","a2") > x <- match(v1,v2, nomatch = 0, incomparables = "a1") > x [1] 0 8 0 3 offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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