In case you missed it: December 2016 roundup

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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In case you missed them, here are some articles from December of particular interest to R users. 

Power BI now has a gallery of custom visualizations built with R.

Chicago's Department of Public Health uses R to prioritize health inspections at restaurants.

A beautiful map of Switzerland municipalities combined with a relief map of the mountains, created with R.

Using the Azure Interface Tool to parallelize the problem of optimizing an R model across the hyperparameter space.

A primer on Bayesian Statistics.

Animating Voronoi tesselations in R to create a greeting card.

The Linux Data Science Virtual Machine, which includes several R-related components, is available for a free “test drive” on Azure.

The new AzureSMR package lets you manage Azure virtual machines, clusters and storage from R.

Interactive decision trees in Microsoft R Server.

The ompr package provides numerical optimization with mixed integer programming.

Predicting flu deaths in China with R.

Using the circlize package and Microsoft R Server's Spark interface to visualize millions of taxi trips.

The State of Indiana uses R to forecast employment.

“One Page R” is a free, multi-chapter tutorial on data science topics using R.

The Deputy Chief Economist at Freddie Mac used R to animate the different rates of housing price increases around the

I gave a talk about the value of ecosystems to open source projects, using R as an example.

A summary of some recent projects funded by the R Consortium.

Microsoft R Server 9.0, featuring R 3.3.2 and support for Spark 2.0, is now available.

The dplyrXdf package has been updated with new features for managing XDF data sets in Microsoft R.

A stylometric analysis of the speeches of the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Using R and the d3heatmap package to visualize the emotional journey of characters in “War and Peace”.

General interest stories (not related to R) in the past month included: the horrors of 2016, a Machinima Christmas carol, freezing bubbles, a dark comic strip, and a virtual flight along the US-Mexico border.

As always, thanks for the comments and please send any suggestions to me at [email protected]. Don't forget you can follow the blog using an RSS reader, via email using blogtrottr, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). You can find roundups of previous months here.

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