Euler Problem 7: 10,001st Prime
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Euler Problem 7 Definition
By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the 1,0001st prime number?
The function determines whether a number is a prime number by checking that it is not divisible by any prime number up to the square root of the number.
The Sieve of used in Euler Problem 3 can be reused to generate prime numbers.
This problem can only be solved using brute force because prime gaps (sequence A001223 in the OEIS) do not follow a predictable pattern. <- function(n) { primes <- esieve(ceiling(sqrt(n))) prod(n%%primes!=0)==1 } i <- 2 # First Prime n <- 1 # Start counter while (n<10001) { # Find 10001 prime numbers i <- i + 1 # Next number if( { # Test next number n <- n + 1 # Increment counter i <- i + 1 # Next prime is at least two away } } answer <- i-1
The largest prime gap for the first 10,001 primes is 72. Sexy primes with a gap of 6 are the most common and there are 1270 twin primes.

Prime gap frequency distribution for the first 10001 primes.
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