R Hero saves Backup City with archivist and GitHub

[This article was first published on http://r-addict.com, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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R Hero archiving power
Recently I’ve visited Backup City, a data analysis mecca in the middle of Reproducible Research RLand. That’s where I ovearheared a feverish discussion between R Hero and commissar O’Rdon. You can read the story of their meeting at the opening comic.archivist.gitub: archivist and GitHub integration
archivist.github is a package with tools for archiving, managing and sharing R objects via GitHub and is the extension of the archivist. You can install package from CRANinstall.packages('archivist.github')

# I saved some variables earlier
# no to provide them publicly
# this can be done only in interactive mode
# so have to be done before knitr compilation
# authoriseGitHub(ClientID, ClientSecret,
# scope = c("public_repo", "delete_repo")) ->
# github_token
# repository creation
createGitHubRepo(repo = "RHero",
user = "archivistR",
password = password,
github_token = github_token,
default = TRUE)
[1] "archivistR"
# -> https://github.com/archivistR/RHero
# parameters can be set globally,
# so you will not have to specify
# them for each call
aoptions("password", password)
aoptions("user", "archivistR")
aoptions("repo", "RHero")
aoptions("github_token", github_token)
# archiving on GitHub
archive(iris, alink = TRUE)

# sometimes GitHub need more
# time to react
# show archived objects with their hashes
md5hash name createdDate
1 ff575c261c949d073b2895b05d1097c3 iris 2016-06-13 16:41:17
2 2e7b44a1845602a5e3a4898b618b4aa6 2e7b44a1845602a5e3a4898b618b4aa6 2016-06-13 16:41:17
# one can check how many commits have been performed so far
[1] 2
Partial results archiving and objects’ pedigree restoration
We have prepared extended version of pipe – %>% operator %a% so that every partial result of analysis workflow can be archived. Below is an example of workflow archiving for RTCGA (about which I wrote here) RNASeq data (genes’ expression) (broader example can be find here) and it’s pedigree restoration# This sets `silent=TRUE` in saveToRepo
# which is used by %a% . There will be
# no warning printed about archiving
# the same artifact or it's data twice.
aoptions('silent', TRUE)
aoptions('repoDir', 'RHero')
# %a% archives to Local Repos, that's
# why we need 'repoDir'
# information about genes' expressions
library(RTCGA.rnaseq); data(BRCA.rnaseq)
BRCA.rnaseq %a%
bcr_patient_barcode) %a%
# bcr_patient_barcode contains a key to
# merge patients between various datasets
rename(TP53 = `TP53|7157`) %a%
14, 15) == "01" ) ->
# 01 at the 14-15th position tells
# these are cancer sample
# knitr: results='asis'.
# give hooks to objects
format = "kable",
alink = TRUE )
call | md5hash | |
4 | env[[nm]] | 63678e012c5b7f40966c32eec91f828b |
3 | select(TP53|7157 , bcr_patient_barcode) |
4a85ce61229dd743b911d7edab0310b3 |
2 | rename(TP53 = TP53|7157 ) |
103f2b82c41956e9f6437b3a0cd68679 |
1 | filter(substr(bcr_patient_barcode, 14, 15) == “01”) | 1da5a026aae19e0d0467ba3773679e28 |
# it uses global user and repo
# if they are not specified
is the object before transformations. We are working on using original names for objects in this issue.
This operation does not archive objects automatically on GitHub as this is functionality from base archivist package. One have to upload objects with
# one can check how many commits have been performed so far
[1] 3
Overload print()
to use archive()
After global parameters specification (aoptions() function sets ‘user’, ‘repo’, and ‘password’ parameters for each archivist.github and archivist function globally) we don’t have to use archive
function after each call to provide hooks in rmarkdown reports. We can overload print()
function for specific classes so that after printing objects will be also evaluated with archive
addHooksToPrintGitHub(class = "lm")
# knitr: results='asis'
pld <- aread("MarcinKosinski/Museum/04eb0bdc12")
(lm.D9 <- lm(weight ~ group,
data = pld))
lm(formula = weight ~ group, data = pld)
(Intercept) groupTrt
5.032 -0.371
(lm.D90 <- lm(weight ~ group - 1,
data = pld))
lm(formula = weight ~ group - 1, data = pld)
groupCtl groupTrt
5.032 4.661
This is the GitHub equivalent for local archiving with addHooksToPrint
Feedback and Notes
If you have any comments or user request, please see Feedback and Notes section to be aware of our future plans. More examples can be checked at archivist.github Tutorial or you can learn more during @pbiecek talk How to use the archivist package to boost reproducibility of your research at useR2016 Conference. If you’d like to meet more R Heroes then restore message that was archived for commisar O’Rdon with# library(archivist.github)
European R users meeting (eRum 2016) will take place between October 12th and 14th.
We already have confirmed great invited speakers such as: Rasmus Bååth, Romain François, Ulrike Grömping, Matthias Templ, and Heather Turner, as well as strong representation from Poland: Przemysław Biecek, Marek Gągolewski, Jakub Glinka, Katarzyna Kopczewska, and Katarzyna Stąpor. We are planning a meeting of more than 200 useRs from all across Europe working in different areas of the industry, academy, and government.
On behalf of organising committee, chaired by Maciej Beręsewicz, we want to invite you to be a part of this historical meeting by proposing a workshop, submitting a regular or lightning talk, presenting a poster, or just attending the activities we are preparing for the meeting.
You will find more details about the registration process on the website www.erum.ue.poznan.pl.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask through [email protected].
See you in Poznań.
Source: http://www.r-bloggers.com/european-r-users-meeting-meeting-of-r-heroes-poznan-12-14-10-2016/

Paintings were made by pedzlenie.To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: http://r-addict.com.
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