End to end Logistic Regression in R
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Logistic regression, or logit regression is a regression model where the dependent variable is categorical. I have provided code below to perform end-to-end logistic regression in R including data preprocessing, training and evaluation. The dataset used can be downloaded from here.
# Topics Covered # # 1. Reading data and Summary Statistics # 2. Outlier Detection # 3. Missing Value Treatment # 4. Correlation and VIF # 5. Feature Selection Using IV # 6. Creating Training and validation Sets # 7. Running the Logistic Model on Training Set # 8. Evaluating Performance on Validation Set # a. ROC and AUC # b. Confusion Matrix # c. KS Statistic # 9. Scoring the test data ############################################################################## #Reading data and Summary Statistics #change the working directory setwd("C:\\Desktop\\Classification & Clustering") train_data<-read.csv("data/train.csv") test_data<-read.csv("data/test.csv") #Summary Statistics library(Hmisc) head(train_data) str(train_data) summary(train_data) describe(train_data) head(test_data) str(test_data) summary(test_data) describe(test_data) # 2-way contingency tables xtabs(~admit + prestige, data = train_data) ############################################################################## # Outlier Detection sapply(train_data[,1:3], function(x) quantile(x, c(.01,.05,.25,.5,.75,.90,.95, .99, 1),na.rm=TRUE) ) #gpa of 6.5 seems to be an outlier train_data$gpa[train_data$gpa > 4] <- 4 ############################################################################## # Missing Value Imputation sapply(train_data, function(x) sum(is.na(x)) ) train_data$gre[is.na(train_data$gre)] <- mean(train_data$gre, na.rm=TRUE) train_data2<-train_data sapply(train_data2, function(x) train_data2[,x][is.na(train_data2[,x])]<- mean(train_data2[,x], na.rm=TRUE)) ############################################################################## # Correlation and VIF cor(train_data[,1:3]) library(usdm) vif(train_data[,1:3]) ############################################################################## # Information Value library(plyr) library(sqldf) library(rpart) source("C:\\xyz.R") file.sources = list.files("others", full.names=TRUE) sapply(file.sources,source,.GlobalEnv) data <- train_data data$admit <- factor(data$admit, levels= c("1","0")) levels(data$admit) str(data) iv.mult(data, y="admit", vars=c("gre","gpa","prestige"), summary="TRUE") ############################################################################## # Create training and validation sets set.seed(123) smp_size <- floor(0.7 * nrow(train_data)) train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(train_data)), size = smp_size) training <- train_data[train_ind, ] validation <- train_data[-train_ind, ] ############################################################################## # Running the Logistic Model on Training set ?lm ?describe ?glm admit ~ gre + gpa + prestige mylogit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + prestige, data = training, family = "binomial") mylogit2 <- glm(admit ~ gpa + prestige, data = training, family = "binomial") summary(mylogit2) # See how prestige has been used as a dummy variable confint(mylogit, level=.90) # Caluclating Concordance # Refer to the blog here to see about Concordance # http://shashiasrblog.blogspot.in/2014/02/binary-logistic-regression-fast.html fastConc<-function(model){ # Get all actual observations and their fitted values into a frame fitted<-data.frame(cbind(model$y,model$fitted.values)) colnames(fitted)<-c('respvar','score') # Subset only ones ones<-fitted[fitted[,1]==1,] # Subset only zeros zeros<-fitted[fitted[,1]==0,] # Initialise all the values pairs_tested<-nrow(ones)*nrow(zeros) conc<-0 disc<-0 # Get the values in a for-loop for(i in 1:nrow(ones)) { conc<-conc + sum(ones[i,"score"]>zeros[,"score"]) disc<-disc + sum(ones[i,"score"]<zeros[,"score"]) } # Calculate concordance, discordance and ties concordance<-conc/pairs_tested discordance<-disc/pairs_tested ties_perc<-(1-concordance-discordance) return(list("Concordance"=concordance, "Discordance"=discordance, "Tied"=ties_perc, "Pairs"=pairs_tested)) } fastConc(mylogit) ############################################################################## #Check Performance on the Validation Set val <-predict(mylogit, validation, type="response") mydf <-cbind(validation,val) mydf$response <- as.factor(ifelse(mydf$val>0.5, 1, 0)) library(ROCR) logit_scores <- prediction(predictions=mydf$val, labels=mydf$admit) #PLOT ROC CURVE logit_perf <- performance(logit_scores, "tpr", "fpr") plot(logit_perf,col = "darkblue",lwd=2,xaxs="i",yaxs="i",tck=NA, main="ROC Curve") box() abline(0,1, lty = 300, col = "green") grid(col="aquamarine") ### AREA UNDER THE CURVE logit_auc <- performance(logit_scores, "auc") as.numeric([email protected]) ##AUC Value #CONFUSION MATRIX library(caret) confusionMatrix(mydf$response,mydf$admit) ### KS STATISTIC logit_ks <- max([email protected][[1]][email protected][[1]]) logit_ks ## LIFT CHART lift.obj <- performance(logit_scores, measure="lift", x.measure="rpp") plot(lift.obj, main="Lift Chart", xlab="% Populations", ylab="Lift", col="blue") abline(1,0,col="grey") #GAINS TABLE #install.packages("gains") library(gains) # gains table gains.cross <- gains(actual=mydf$admit , predicted=mydf$val, groups=10) print(gains.cross) ############################################################################## #Scoring the Test Data using the model we just created pred <- predict(mylogit, test_data, type="response") final <- cbind(test_data,pred) write.csv(final,"final_probs.csv") ############################################################################## #REFERENCE MATERIAL ## http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/dae/logit.htm ## http://www.unc.edu/courses/2010fall/ecol/563/001/notes/lecture21%20Rcode.html ## Caret Package: http://topepo.github.io/caret/ ## http://www.r-bloggers.com/gini-index-and-lorenz-curve-with-r/

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