May 2015

Learning about classes in R with

May 16, 2015 | Robin Lovelace - R

A useful feature of R is its ability to implement a function differently depending on the ‘class’ of the object acted on. This article explores this behaviour with reference to a playful modification of the ‘generic’ function plot() to allow plotting of cartoon bicycles. Although the example is quite simple ... [Read more...]

R Recipe: Reordering Columns in a Flexible Way

May 16, 2015 | andrew

Suppose you have a data frame with a number of columns. You want to put the Trader and System columns first but you also want to do this in a flexible way. One approach would be to specify column numbers. This does the job but it's not very flexible. After ... [Read more...]

A Shiny App To Interactively Cluster Your Data

May 15, 2015 | Stefantastic - r

UPDATE Since writing this post I’ve re-implemented the app as a dashboard. View the dashboard version, source code, and new blog post. Brief Summary I built an interactive, online App using Shiny where you can upload your own data (for an example, download mtcars) and perform basic clustering analysis ... [Read more...]

Because it’s Friday: Love in the land of Facebook

May 15, 2015 | David Smith

Today is my 11th wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband Jay, so it's a love-themed Friday post today. Jay and I met before Facebook was a thing, but we've been touched by the congratulations on our timelines today. Those timeline posts reveal a lot about you and your relationships, and ... [Read more...]

From JSON to Tables

May 15, 2015 | nivangio

“First things first”. Tautological, always true. However, sometimes some data scientists seem to ignore this: you can think of using the most sophisticated and trendy algorithm, come up with brilliant ideas, imagine the most creative visualizations but, if you do not know … Continue reading → [Read more...]

In-database R coming to SQL Server 2016

May 15, 2015 | David Smith

R is coming to SQL Server. SQL Server 2016 (which will be in public preview this summer) will include new real-time analytics, automatic data encryption, and the ability to run R within the database itself: For deeper insights into data, SQL Server 2016 expands its scope beyond transaction processing, data warehousing and ... [Read more...]

Interactive maps for the web in R

May 15, 2015 | Fabio Veronesi

Static MapsIn the last post I showed how to download economic data from the World Bank's website and create choropleth maps in R (Global Economic Maps).In this post I want to focus more on how to visualize those maps.Sp PackageProbably the simplest way... [Read more...]

U.S. Drought Monitoring With Hexbin State Maps in R

May 15, 2015 | hrbrmstr

On the news, today, of the early stages of drought hitting the U.S. northeast states I decided to springboard off of yesterday’s post and show a more practical use of hexbin state maps than the built-in (and still purpose unknown to me) “bees” data. The U.S. Drought ...
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Recent Common Ancestors: Simple Model

May 15, 2015 | andrew

An interesting paper (Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans, Nature, 431, 562–566, 2004) by Rohde, Olson and Chang concludes with the words: Further work is needed to determine the effect of this common ancestry on patterns of genetic variation in structured populations. But to the extent that ancestry is considered ... [Read more...]

New in forecast 6.0

May 14, 2015 | Rob J Hyndman

This week I uploaded a new version of the forecast package to CRAN. As there were a lot of changes, I decided to increase the version number to 6.0. The changes are all outlined in the ChangeLog file as usual. I will highlight some of the more important changes since v5.0 ... [Read more...]

Getting started with MongoDB in R

May 14, 2015 | Jeroen Ooms

The first stable version of the new mongolite package has appeared on CRAN. Mongolite builds on jsonlite to provide a simple, high-performance MongoDB client for R, which makes storing and accessing small or large data as easy as converting it ...
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GeoJSON Hexagonal “Statebins” in R

May 14, 2015 | hrbrmstr

There’s been lots of buzz about “statebin” maps of late. A recent tweet by @andrewxhill referencing work by @dannydb pointed to a nice shapefile that ends up being a really great way to handle statebin maps (and I feel like a fool for not considering it for a more ...
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A first look at htmlwidgets

May 14, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert A strong case can be made that base R graphics supplemented with either the lattice library or ggplot2 for plotting by subgroups provides everything a statistician might need for both exploratory data analysis and for developing clear, crisp for communicating results. However, it is abundantly clear that ... [Read more...]

Reinventing the wheel for ordination biplots with ggplot2

May 14, 2015 | beckmw

I’ll be the first to admit that the topic of plotting ordination results using ggplot2 has been visited many times over. As is my typical fashion, I started creating a package for this purpose without completely searching for existing solutions. Specifically, the ggbiplot and factoextra packages already provide almost ...
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Computerworld’s list of R packages for data wrangling

May 13, 2015 | David Smith

Computerworld's Sharon Machlis published today a very useful list of R packages that every R user should know. The list covers packages for data import, data wrangling, data visualization and package development, but for beginning R users the biggest challenge is usually just dealing with data. To that end, I ... [Read more...]
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