NASA GISS’s Annual Global Temperature Anomaly Trends
[This article was first published on Climate Charts & Graphs I » RClimate Script, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) has released their December, 2014 anomaly data, showing that 2014 was the warmest year in the warmest decade in the 1880 – 2014 instrumental temperature record period.
NASA’s results are consistent with the Japanese Meteorological Agency report (here)
Here is my R script for those who would like to reproduce my chart.
############## RClimate Script: GISS Annual Temperature Anomaly ########################### ## 1/16/15 ## ############################################################################################ library(plyr); library(reshape) ## File Download and File url <- c("") file <- c("GLB.Ts+dSST.txt") download.file(url, file) ## 1st 8 rows and the last 12 rows contain instructions ## Find out the number of rows in the file, and exclude the last 12 rows <- length(readLines(file)) - 12 ## Read file as char vector, one line per row, Exclude first 8 rows lines <- readLines(file, n=rows)[8:rows] ## Data Manipulation, R vector ## Use regexp to replace all the occurences of **** with NA lines2 <- gsub("\*{3,5}", " NA", lines, perl=TRUE) ## Convert the character vector to a dataframe df <- read.table( textConnection(lines2), header=TRUE, colClasses = "character") closeAllConnections() ## Select monthly data in first 13 columns df <- df[,c(1,14)] ## Convert all variables (columns) to numeric format df <- colwise(as.numeric) (df) df[,2] <- df[,2]/100 names(df) <- c("Year", "anom") ## Remove rows where Year=NA from the dataframe df <- df [!$Year),] ## Find last report month and last value GISS_last <- nrow(df) GISS_last_yr <- df$Year[GISS_last] GISS_last_temp <- df$anom[GISS_last] ## Calc decade averages dec_mean<- as.numeric(14) dec_st <- as.numeric(14) dec_end <- as.numeric(14) # yr_n <- as.integer(df$Year) base_yr <- 1870 df$dec_n <- (as.numeric((df$Year - base_yr) %/% 10) * 10) + base_yr # df <- data.frame(df, dec_n) for (i in 1:13) {dec_st[i] = base_yr+ i*10 dec_sub <- subset(df, dec_n == dec_st[i], na.rm=T) dec_mean[i] <- mean(dec_sub$anom) } dec_st[14] <- 2020 # Need to have for last step line across decade dec_mean[14] <- dec_mean[13] dec<- data.frame(dec_st, dec_mean) #### Plot function plot_func <- function() { par(las=1); par(ps=12) par(oma=c(2.5,1,1,1)); par(mar=c(2.5,4,2,1)) # specify plot yr min & max p_xmin <- 1880; p_xmax <- GISS_last_yr+10 title <- paste("GISS Land and Sea Temperature Annual Anomaly Trend n", p_xmin, " to ", GISS_last_yr, sep="") plot(df[,1], df[,2], type = "l", col = "grey", xlim = c(p_xmin, p_xmax), ylab = "Temperature Anomaly - C (1951-1980 Baseline)", xlab="", main = title,cex.main = 1,cex.lab=0.8,cex.axis=0.85) points(GISS_last_yr, GISS_last_temp, col = "red", pch=19) last_pt <- paste( GISS_last_yr, ", ", GISS_last_yr, " @ ", GISS_last_temp, "C",sep="") points(dec$dec_st, dec$dec_mean, type="s", col="blue") ## add legend legend(1880,0.6, c("Decade Mean Anomaly", "Annual Anomaly" ,GISS_last_temp), col = c("blue", "grey", "red"), text.col = "black", lty = c(1,1,0),pch=c(0,0,16),pt.cex=c(0,0,1), merge = T, bg = "white", bty="o", cex = .75, box.col="white")
Filed under: Citizen Climate Science, Global Warming, RClimate Script Tagged: Climate Trends, R scripts

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