Capturing Intraday data
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I want to follow up the Intraday data post with an example of how you can capture Intraday data without too much effort by recording 1 minute snapshots of the market.
I will take market snapshots from Yahoo Finance using following function that downloads delayed market quotes with date and time stamps:
############################################################################### # getSymbols interface to Yahoo today's delayed qoutes # based on from quantmod package ############################################################################### <- function(Symbols) { require('data.table') what = yahooQF(names = spl('Symbol,Last Trade Time,Last Trade Date,Open,Days High,Days Low,Last Trade (Price Only),Volume')) names = spl('Symbol,Time,Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume') all.symbols = lapply(seq(1, len(Symbols), 100), function(x) na.omit(Symbols[x:(x + 99)])) out = c() for(i in 1:len(all.symbols)) { # download url = paste('', join( trim(all.symbols[[i]]), ','), '&f=', what[[1]], sep = '') txt = join(readLines(url),'\n') data = fread(paste0(txt,'\n'), stringsAsFactors=F, sep=',') setnames(data,names) setkey(data,'Symbol') out = rbind(out, data) } out }
Next we can run the function from 9:30 to 16:00 every minute and record market snap shoots. Please note that you will have to make some judgement calls in terms of how you want to deal with highs and lows.
Symbols = spl('IBM,AAPL') prev = c() while(T) { out = if (is.null(prev)) for(i in 1:nrow(out)) { cat(names(out), '\n', sep=',', file=paste0(out$Symbol[i],'.csv'), append=F) cat(unlist(out[i]), '\n', sep=',', file=paste0(out$Symbol[i],'.csv'), append=T) } else for(i in 1:nrow(out)) { s0 = prev[Symbol==out$Symbol[i]] s1 = out[i] s1$Volume = s1$Volume - s0$Volume s1$Open = s0$Close s1$High = iif(s1$High > s0$High, s1$High, max(s1$Close, s1$Open)) s1$Low = iif(s1$Low < s0$Low , s1$Low , min(s1$Close, s1$Open)) cat(unlist(s1), '\n', sep=',', file=paste0(out$Symbol[i],'.csv'), append=T) } # copy prev = out # sleep 1 minute Sys.sleep(60) }
For example I was able to saved following quotes for AAPL:
Symbol Time Date Open High Low Close Volume AAPL 2:57pm 3/10/2014 528.360 533.330 528.3391 531.340 5048146 AAPL 2:58pm 3/10/2014 531.340 531.570 531.3400 531.570 7650 AAPL 2:59pm 3/10/2014 531.570 531.570 531.5170 531.517 2223 AAPL 3:00pm 3/10/2014 531.517 531.517 531.4500 531.450 5283 AAPL 3:01pm 3/10/2014 531.450 531.450 531.2900 531.290 4413 AAPL 3:02pm 3/10/2014 531.290 531.490 531.2900 531.490 2440
Unfortunately, there is no way to go back in history, unless you buy historical intraday data. But if you want to start recording market moves yourself, following code should get you started. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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