quick tips: within function assignment and specific object removal
[This article was first published on mintgene » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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If you’re familiar with the faster iterations on objects such as lapply, sapply, or apply for matrices, you might get surprised that the function call saves new assignments only locally.
# to assign global variable within function use "<<-" operator lapply(1:10, function(i) { if (i != 1) { global.var <<- global.var + i; return(NULL) } else { global.var <<- i; return(NULL) } }) cat(global.var) # 55 # another neat trick is the multiple assignment to objects global.var -> global.var.A -> global.var.B global.var == global.var.B # TRUE
One of my favorite lines in R comes from the fact the language environment devours the memory. To focus on particular objects (such as when you need to save it as *.rda), replace the search term within grepl function for the one that you wish to keep.
ls() # "global.var" "global.var.A" "global.var.B" rm(list = ls()[!grepl("global.var.A", ls())]) # refresh memory gc() ls() # "global.var.A"
Cheers, mintgene.

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