The split-apply-combine paradigm in R
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Last night at the DC R Users meetup, which was our largest meetup to date, I gave an introductory presentation on data munging, and spent a bit of time on the split-apply-combine paradigm that I use almost daily in my work. I talked mainly about the packages plyr
and doBy
, which I use a lot now. David Smith posted a link on the Revolution blog to this article by Steve Miller, talking about the virtues of the data.table
package for doing “by-group processing”. It got me thinking about changing my workflow yet again and engaging this package in my computational workflow. I also noticed that Hadley Wickham tweeted that he wants to make plyr faster as well in the near future, which will of course be a very welcome development. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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