highlight 0.2-5

December 7, 2010 | romain francois

I pushed highlight 0.2-5 on CRAN. This release improves the latex renderer and the sweave driver so that multiple lines character strings are properly rendered. This example vignette shows it: \documentclass[a4paper]{report} \begin{document} = old.op [Read more...]

R 2.12.1 scheduled for December 16

December 6, 2010 | David Smith

The next update to R will be a patch release: R 2.12.1 will be released on December 16, as announced today by the R Core Team. As is typical for a patch release, this version will include some minor bug fixes plus a few new features (from the current build's NEWS file): ... [Read more...]

Jeromy Anglim on Reproducible Research and R

December 6, 2010 | Drew Conway

Jeromy Anglim, fellow social scientist and R aficionado from across the globe, gave a great talk to the Melbourne R Users Group last week on the joys of creating reproducible results. A subject near and dear to me, but not one that is given enough attention in research training. Jeromy ... [Read more...]

Reproducible Research and R Workflow

December 6, 2010 | VCASMO - drewconway

Jeromy Anglim discusses best practices and tools used to support reproducible research in R. He discusses tools for R scripting and version control; and provides examples of SWeave. This presentation was given to the Melbourne R Users Group (MelbURN)... [Read more...]

3 weak days in a row

December 6, 2010 | kafka

Recently, Trading the odds posted one of many flavors of mean reverting strategies and I decided to get my hands dirty by writing R code and testing it. You can find full description of the strategy by following latter link above. Long story short – if SPY shows lower open, high ... [Read more...]

JAGS – Bayesian Analysis

December 6, 2010 | Daniel Hocking

JAGS is used for Bayesian analysis using MCMC and stands for Just Another Gibbs Sampler.  It is an alternative to WinBUGS and can be accessed through R just like WinBUGS (via R2jags or RJags).  It will work on a Mac unlike WinBUGS.  The ...
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Example 8.17: Logistic regression via MCMC

December 6, 2010 | Ken Kleinman

In examples 8.15 and 8.16 we considered Firth logistic regression and exact logistic regression as ways around the problem of separation, often encountered in logistic regression. (Re-cap: Separation happens when all the observations in a category sha...
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Electoral Marimekko Plots

December 6, 2010 | d sparks

To be reductive, visual displays of quantitative information might be reasonably categorized on a continuum between “data display” and “statistical graphics.” By statistical graphics, I mean a plot that displays some summary of or relationship amongst several variables, likely having undergone some processing or analysis. This may be as simple ... [Read more...]

Bear hunting

December 6, 2010 | Pat

When were there bear and bull markets in US stocks since 1950? Smoothing While we’d really like to estimate the expected return at each point in time, finding bear markets is ambitious enough.  The plan starts by smoothing the daily returns through time, as in Figure 1. Figure 1: Smoothed returns with ... [Read more...]

Forecasting workshop: Switzerland, June 2011

December 6, 2010 | Rob J Hyndman

I will be running a workshop on Statistical Forecasting: Principles and Practice in Switzerland, 20-22 June 2011. Check out the venue: Waldhotel Doldenhorn, Kandersteg! So if you fancy a trip to the beautiful Swiss Alps next June, read on… Outline Forecasting is required in many situations: deciding whether to build another ... [Read more...]

Bayesian adaptive sampling

December 5, 2010 | xi'an

In the continuation of my earlier post on computing evidence, I read a very interesting paper by Merlise Clyde, Joyee Ghosh and Michael Littman, to appear in JCGS. It is called  Bayesian adaptive sampling for variable selection and model averaging. The sound idea at the basis of the paper is ... [Read more...]

Pareto plot party!

December 5, 2010 | richierocks

A Pareto plot is an enhanced bar chart. It comes in useful for deciding which bars in your bar chart are important. To see this, take a look at some made up DVD sales data. set.seed(1234) dvd_names [Read more...]

GLMM and R issues

December 4, 2010 | Daniel Hocking

I have been trying to run a Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) for some count data with repeated measures on sub-sampled sites and fixed effects at the site level with covariates at both the sub-plot and time levels.  Plus there are different n...
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Comparison of results

December 4, 2010 | Shige

I am doing a simple comparison of different estimation procedures in dealing with a simple binomial model. Here is where I got started:---------------------------------------------library(INLA)library(npmlreg)library(MCMCglmm)library(DPpackage)data(See... [Read more...]

Root finding

December 4, 2010 | R on Guangchuang Yu

Numerical root finding methods use iteration, producing a sequence of numbers that hopefully converge towards a limits which is a root. In this post, only focus four basic algorithm on root finding, and covers bisection method, fixed point method, Newton-Raphson method, and secant method. Read More: 1896 Words Totally [Read more...]
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