Download File from Google Drive/Docs Programmatically with R

[This article was first published on theBioBucket*, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Following up my lattest posting on how to download files from the cloud with R..

dl_from_GoogleD <- function(output, key, format) {

## Arguments:
## output = output file name
## key = Google document key
## format = output format (pdf, rtf, doc, txt..)
## Note: File must be shareable!

                        bin <- getBinaryURL(paste0("", key, "/export?format=", format),
                                            ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
                        con <- file(output, open = "wb")
                        writeBin(bin, con)
                        message(noquote(paste(output, "read into", getwd())))                        

# Example:
dl_from_GoogleD(output = "dl_test.pdf", 
                key = "1DdauvkcVm5XtRBkQIv1na8PeLAwpCBdW8pALCFpRWeM",
                format = "pdf")

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