
Time To Shine

December 29, 2017 | HighlandR

Blogging and social media for introverts - How to spot an introvert You may have seen David Robinson’s recent post encouraging R users to start blogging. Some folk will willingly act on this advice, and others won’t. For those that won...
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Word Embeddings with Keras

December 21, 2017 | Daniel Falbel

Word embedding is a method used to map words of a vocabulary to dense vectors of real numbers where semanticaly similar words are mapped to nearby points. Representing words in this vector space help algorithms achieve better performance in na... [Read more...]

Conference Cost

December 17, 2017 | R on The Jumping Rivers Blog

In last weeks post we tantalised you with upcoming R & data science conferences, but from a cost point view, not all R conferences are the same. Using the R conference site, it’s fairly easy to compare the cost of previous R conferences. I select...
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October 2017 Auto Sales Predictions

October 28, 2017 | Sweiss' Blog

Below are predictions for 10-2017 autosales for each auto brand. I modeled monthley car sales by nameplate (eg Camry, Civic, etc), predicted one step ahead forecast and summed by manufacture. The model is a state-space model with trend and seasonality ... [Read more...]

switzerland: Knowledge Quiz Question about Switzerland

August 13, 2017 | R/exams

Name: switzerland Type: mchoice Related: swisscapital Description: Knowledge quiz question (about Switzerland) with 2 correct and 3 false alternatives which are shuffled randomly in each version of the exercise. Solution feedback: Yes Randomization: Shuffling Mathematical notation: No Verbatim R input/output: No Images: No Other supplements: No Template: switzerland.Rnw switzerland.Rmd ... [Read more...]

tstat: 1-Sample t-Test Statistic

August 13, 2017 | R/exams

Name: tstat Type: num Related: tstat2 Description: Computing the 1-sample t-test statistic from randomly-drawn hypothesized mean, sample size, and empirical mean and variance. Solution feedback: Yes Randomization: Random numbers Mathematical notation: Yes Verbatim R input/output: No Images: No Other supplements: No Template: tstat.Rnw tstat.Rmd Raw: (1 random version) ... [Read more...]

bigrquery 0.4.0

June 25, 2017 | Hadley Wickham

I’m pleased to announce that bigrquery 0.4.0 is now on CRAN. bigrquery makes it possible to talk to Google’s BigQuery cloud database. It provides both DBI and dplyr backends so you can interact with BigQuery using either low-level SQL or high-level dplyr verbs. Install the latest version of bigrquery ... [Read more...]

[Bioc 3.5] NEWS of my BioC packages

May 19, 2017 | R on Guangchuang Yu

I have 8 packages published within the Bioconductor project. ChIPseeker clusterProfiler DOSE ggtree GOSemSim meshes ReactomePA treeio A new package treeio was included in BioC 3.5 release. ChIPseeker Bug fixed of intron rank and optimized getGeneAnno function. clusterProfiler Defined simplify generics as it was removed from IRanges. enrichGO now supports ont="ALL" ... [Read more...]

Monthly seasonality

May 2, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I regularly get asked why I don’t consider monthly seasonality in my models for daily or sub-daily time series. For example, this recent comment on my post on seasonal periods, or this comment on my post on daily data. The fact is, I’ve never seen a time series ... [Read more...]

Realy, Realy Big VARs

April 27, 2017 | insightr

By Gabriel Vasconcelos Overview If you have studied Vector Autorregressive (VAR) models you are probably familiar with the “curse of dimensionality” (CD). It is very frustrating to see how ordinary least squares (OLS) fails to produce reliable results even for … Continue reading →
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Oakland Real Estate Prices (Multi-Tenant)

April 26, 2017 | [email protected]

Living in the Bay Area has led me to think more and more about real estate (and how amazingly expensive it is here…)  I’ve signed up for trackers on Zillow and Redfin, but the data analyst in me always wants to dive deeper, to look back historically, to quantify, ...
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