
The ARIMAX model muddle

October 4, 2010 | Rob J Hyndman

There is often confusion about how to include covariates in ARIMA models, and the presentation of the subject in various textbooks and in R help files has not helped the confusion. So I thought I’d give my take on the issue. To keep it simple, I will only describe ... [Read more...]

Le Monde puzzle [34]

October 3, 2010 | xi'an

Since the puzzle in this week (-end) edition of Le Monde is not (easily) solvable via an R program, I chose to go back to an older puzzle that my students can solve. Eleven [distinguishable] token are [arbitrarily] distributed around a 200 meter perimeter-long ring. They all start moving at the ... [Read more...]

ProjectTemplate Version 0.1-3 Released

October 2, 2010 | John Myles White

I’ve just released the newest version of ProjectTemplate. The primary change is a completely redesigned mechanism for automatically loading data. ProjectTemplate can now read compressed CSV files, access CSV data files over HTTP, read Stata, SPSS and RData binary files and even load MySQL database tables automatically. For my ... [Read more...]

Typo in Example 5.18

October 2, 2010 | xi'an

Edward Kao pointed out several typos in Example 5.18 of Monte Carlo Statistical Methods. First, the customers in area i should be double-indexed, i.e. which implies in turn that . Then the summary T should be defined as and as given that the first m customers have the fifth plan missing. ...
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Three-Quarter Truths: Correlation Is Not Causation

October 1, 2010 | John Myles White

Other than our culture’s implicit association between lies, damned lies and statistics, I think no idea has stifled the growth of statistical literacy as much as the endless repetition of the words correlation is not causation. This phrase seems to be primarily used to suppress intellectual inquiry by encouraging ...
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Galton & simulation

September 27, 2010 | xi'an

Stephen Stigler has written a paper in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A on Francis Galton’s analysis of (his cousin) Charles Darwin’ Origin of Species, leading to nothing less than Bayesian analysis and accept-reject algorithms! “On September 10th, 1885, Francis Galton ushered in a new era of ... [Read more...]

Riemann, Langevin & Hamilton [reply]

September 27, 2010 | xi'an

Here is a (prompt!) reply from Mark Girolami corresponding to the earlier post: In preparation for the Read Paper session next month at the RSS, our research group at CREST has collectively read the Girolami and Calderhead paper on Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods and I hope ... [Read more...]

Higher Order Functions in R

September 23, 2010 | John Myles White

Introduction Because R is, in part, a functional programming language, the ‘base’ package contains several higher order functions. By higher order functions, I mean functions that take another function as an argument and then do something with that function. If you want to know more about the usefulness of writing ... [Read more...]

Effective sample size

September 23, 2010 | xi'an

In the previous days I have received several emails asking for clarification of the effective sample size derivation in “Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R” (Section 4.4, pp. 98-100). Formula (4.3) gives the Monte Carlo estimate of the variance of a self-normalised importance sampling estimator (note the change from the original version ... [Read more...]

Seeing the Big Picture

September 23, 2010 | John Myles White

Here’s a nice snippet from a 2009 article by Kass that I read yesterday: According to my understanding, laid out above, statistical pragmatism has two main features: it is eclectic and it emphasizes the assumptions that connect statistical models with observed data. The pragmatic view acknowledges that both sides of ... [Read more...]

IIATMS Guest Contribution

September 23, 2010 | Millsy

After my recent posts fiddling around with heat maps for pitch location, Jason at It's About the Money, Stupid contacted me to ask if I would contribute some location maps for Yankee pitchers. Obviously, I couldn't pass up the chance to contribute to ...
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Monte Carlo Statistical Methods third edition

September 23, 2010 | xi'an

Last week, George Casella and I worked around the clock on starting the third edition of Monte Carlo Statistical Methods by detailing the changes to make and designing the new table of contents. The new edition will not see a revolution in the presentation of the material but rather a ...
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Visualizations of US neighborhoods by race and ethnicity

September 22, 2010 | dan

HOMOPHILY + MAPS WITHOUT MAPPING SOFTWARE In the past, Decision Science News has posted about homophily (“birds of a feather shop together“) and cool, lightweight visualizations (“maps without map packages in R“). Today, both topics come together in Eric Fischer’s fascinating set of images on Flickr called “Race and Ethnicity”(*).  ... [Read more...]

What should we call the stats Q&A site?

September 18, 2010 | Rob J Hyndman

The Q&A site at has been steaming ahead with loads of good questions and answers. We are currently trying to select a name and not many people have voted. Although we have more than 1300 users of the site, less than 40 people have currently voted on the ...
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Typo in Example 3.6

September 16, 2010 | xi'an

Edward Kao pointed out the following difficulty about Example 3.6 in Chapter 3 of “Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R”: I have two questions that have puzzled me for a while. I hope you can shed some lights. They are all about Example 3.6 of your book. 1. On page 74, there is a term [...] [Read more...]
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