Statistical Analysis

Data Mining with WEKA

January 30, 2011 | Ralph

There are a number of good open source projects for statistics and data mining, for example the software WEKA developed at the University of Waikato. The description on their website states that: Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied ... [Read more...]


January 6, 2011 | Ralph

As many people are aware Hans Rosling is an enthusiastic swedish academic with a passion for statistics who recently presented the program The Joy of Stats. One of the great things about Hans Rosling is his presentations and the interactive graphics that he uses to make his points. Fast Tube ... [Read more...]

R Commander – two-way analysis of variance

June 25, 2010 | Ralph

Two way analysis of variance models can be fitted to data using the R Commander GUI. The general approach is similar to fitting the other types of model in R Commander described in previous posts. Fast Tube by Casper The “Statistics” menu provides access to some analysis of variance models ... [Read more...]

R Commander – one-way analysis of variance

June 25, 2010 | Ralph

One way analysis of variance models can be fitted to data using the R Commander GUI. The general approach is similar to fitting the other types of model in R Commander described in previous posts. Fast Tube by Casper The “Statistics” menu provides access to some analysis of variance models ... [Read more...]

R Commander – logistic regression

June 23, 2010 | Ralph

We can use the R Commander GUI to fit logistic regression models with one or more explanatory variables. There are also facilities to plot data and consider model diagnostics. The same series of menus as for linear models are used to fit a logistic regression model. Fast Tube by Casper ... [Read more...]

R Commander – linear regression

June 18, 2010 | Ralph

We can fit various linear regression models using the R Commander GUI which also provides various ways to consider the model diagnostics to determine whether we need to consider a different model. Fast Tube by Casper The “Statistics” menu provides access to various statistical models via the “Fit models” sub-menu ... [Read more...]

R Commander – hypothesis testing

June 16, 2010 | Ralph

The R Commander GUI can be used to perform classical hypothesis testing. There are menu options to undertake the variants on the t-test as well as tests on proportions or equality of variances for two samples of data. Fast Tube by Casper The “Statistics” menu provides access to various hypothesis ... [Read more...]

R Commander – data manipulation and summaries

June 13, 2010 | Ralph

Previously we considered the R Commander interface as a simple GUI for the R statistical software system. Here we will look at how to undertake data manipulation and creating basic statistical summaries of data sets. Fast Tube by Casper The R Commander GUI has two menus “Data” and “Statistics” that ... [Read more...]

R Commander – a good introductory GUI for R

June 1, 2010 | Ralph

The R software is very powerful and flexible but one of the complaints of new users is that the learning curve is steep and can be daunting. There have been various projects to create GUIs for R with varying levels of sophistication, one of which is R Commander by John ... [Read more...]

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