
Revisiting homicide rates

February 10, 2012 | Luis

A pint of R plotted an interesting dataset: intentional homicides in South America. I thought the graphs were pretty but I was unhappy about the way information was conveyed in the plots; relative risk should be very important but number … Continue reading → [Read more...]

R charts used for analysis at Politico

February 10, 2012 | David Smith

Zack Abrahamson, the "data whiz" at political analysis site Politico, is apparently an R user. Politico's Feb 10 2012 chart of the day clearly uses the ggplot2 graphics package and (quoting Politico) looks into the disenchanted slice of the GOP that’s not engaged with its party’s primary. And that slice ... [Read more...]

Slides and replay for "A backstage tour of ggplot2"

February 9, 2012 | David Smith

Many thanks to Hadley Wickham for his informative and entertaining webinar yesterday, "A backstage tour of ggplot2". Thanks also to everyone who submitted questions -- with more than 800 attendees live on the line we had many more questions than we had time to answer. For more ggplot2 information, Hadley kindly ... [Read more...]

What are the most popular bike routes in London?

February 7, 2012 | David Smith

James Cheshire, R user and lecturer at the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, created this map of the most trafficked cycle routes in London: Click to enlarge, it's a gorgeous chart. The bicycle traffic data comes from London's public cycle-hire facility, which currently is only available in central London (... [Read more...]

R Chart featured in Facebook IPO

February 2, 2012 | David Smith

Page 7 of Facebook's 213-page S-1 filing for their record-breaking IPO includes the following chart, under the headline: "Our Mission: To make the world more open and connected". This chart was created using the R language and Hadoop by Facebook intern Paul Butler. (Thanks to the blog IOER Tools for first ... [Read more...]

Hadley Wickham goes behind the scenes on ggplot2

January 20, 2012 | David Smith

Hadley Wickham, creator of the ggplot2 packages for R (as well as several others) will present a webinar on February 8 going behind the scenes of the popular graphics package. If you've never used ggplot2 before, this will be a great way to learn about the kinds of charts you can ... [Read more...]

Visualize your Facebook friends network with R

January 19, 2012 | David Smith

A few days ago, Romain François explained how to interface with the Facebook Graph API explorer with R. This was a low-level interface, giving the R programmer the ability to the raw data that Facebook can provide about your connections. Now, just four days later, the first application in ... [Read more...]

NYT uses R to map the 1%

January 17, 2012 | David Smith

Last Saturday, the New York Times published a feature article on the wealthiest 1% of Americans. The on-line version of the article included interactive features like this interactive map showing where your household ranks in the country and in local regions. The print edition, however, included some different (and necessarily static) ... [Read more...]

Plotting earthquake data

January 2, 2012 | Luis

Since 4th September 2010 we have had over 2,800 quakes (considering only magnitude 3+) in Christchurch. Quakes come in swarms, with one or few strong shocks, followed by numerous smaller ones and then the ocasional shock, creating an interesting data … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Mortgage Refinance Calculator

December 20, 2011 | BioStatMatt

Mortgage rates are low, considering historical rates for the last 50 years. It may be timely to consider a mortgage refinance. The image above links to a simple tool for exploring mortgage refinance, built using rapache and the yet-to-be-archived yarr package for R. Hence, there are now two mortgage-related calculators on ... [Read more...]

Mapping prosperity in France with R

December 12, 2011 | David Smith

The choropleth below (created by Baptiste Coulmont) is a sort of prosperity map of France: the blue areas have high levels of personal income (actually, median household income tax paid divided by the number of household members), while the red areas have the lowest: The map was created with the ... [Read more...]

Using R to create a logo: Simple

December 9, 2011 | David Smith

R user Josh Reich, who we've featured here on the blog before, is also the CEO and co-founder of the new user-friendly bank, Simple. (Confidential to Josh -- still waiting on my invite...). So it's no suprise that Simple's logo is rendered using the R language: wave [Read more...]

Vote Compass: visualizing Canadian poll results with R

December 5, 2011 | David Smith

Vote Compass is an online "electoral literacy application, whose goal is to encourage engagement with and stimulate discussion around the policy platforms of Canada's political parties. In the lead-up to the 2011 Canadian election, Vote Compass collected the results of an on-line 10-minute survey from more than 2 million participants, and used ... [Read more...]

Misleading Statistics: Too much risk without a financial adviser?

November 22, 2011 | BioStatMatt

This popular article references a report by financial consulting firms that makes a fairly convincing argument (even though they mostly neglect inferential statistics, and some parts of their argument are misleading, or otherwise not convincing) that 401(k) participants who accept "help" from financial experts take less risk and have better ... [Read more...]

A chart for marathoners

November 11, 2011 | David Smith

Here's a cool application of calendar heat maps: runner Andy used R to catalogue his daily running mileage over the last 2+ years: There are lots of ways to chart data like this (a simple time-series chart, for example), but sometimes looking at data in new ways offers fresh perspectives. For ... [Read more...]

Putting the R in Hallowe’en

October 31, 2011 | David Smith

PhD student Caroline Tucker created a Hallowe'en card using the R graphics system: You can find the R code to create the above image here. Note that you'll need to install the fields and MBA packages first. One interesting aspect of the code is the use of the ... [Read more...]

Learning R: Project 1, Part 2

October 30, 2011 | DomPazz

So it's been a week since I started down this path.  I worked most of this out over last weekend, went to a conference, had hectic week at work, and then realized I lost my work.  Gah.I'll be posting my general thoughts on R later.  Most...
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