
Identify Data Points in Off-Screen R Graphics Devices

March 16, 2009 | Yihui Xie

Today Ruya Gokhan Kocer asked me how to use the R function identify() in off-screen graphics devices. Actually it’s pretty easy as long as we obtain the list returned by identify(pos = TRUE). For example, # open a windows device x11() x = rnorm(20) y = rnorm(20) plot(x, y) # identify 5 points ... [Read more...]

Andrews’ Curve And Parallel Coordinate Graph

March 11, 2009 | Cloud Wei

Unison graph and parallel coordinate graph share similar thought in visualising the difference of multidimensional data, thought the former is much more complicated. Based on iris data, we can see their performance.Parallel coordinate graphAndrews' Cur... [Read more...]


March 11, 2009 | Cloud Wei

There are many types of scatterplots in R, here are some examples based on the famous Iris data.pairs() and coplot() in package graphics.gpairs() in package YaleToolkit.scatterplot.matrix() or spm() in package car.splom() in package lattice. [Read more...]

R: Good practice – adding footnotes to graphics

February 17, 2009 | markheckmann

In some statistical programs there is the option available to attach a footnote to the graphical output that is created. This footnote may contain the name of the script or the file that produced the graphic, the author’s name and the date of creation. In SAS for example there ... [Read more...]

Plot symbols in R

November 18, 2008 | Yu-Sung Su

In the plot environment, the "pch" parameter decides the symbol of your output. There are about 130 symbols hard coded and passed into "pch."However, there are still some symbols that are not in these 130 pch's. For instance, there is no checkmark. To plot checkmark or other symbols, we can use ... [Read more...]

Plotting Math in R

October 29, 2008 | Yu-Sung Su

Plotting math in R can be acheived using the expression(). To know detailed usage, in R console,demo(plotmath)But expression() is not flexible when you want to plot math symbols and parameters altogether. In this case, we use bquote() which is actually a wraper for substitute() and quote(). It ... [Read more...]
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