
Learning R as a language

November 29, 2011 | Derek-Jones

Books written to teach a general purpose programming language are usually organized according to the features of the language and examples often show how a particular language feature is interpreted by a compiler. Books about domain specific languages are usually organized in a way that makes sense in the corresponding ... [Read more...]

lme4 stands 4 Linear mixed-effects…

February 19, 2010 | Manos Parzakonis

There is a certain hype about mixed (and random) effects among statistician and analysts. You can show some love to Douglas Bates and Martin Maechler for maintaing the lme4 package for our cupid, R I copy the entity of the information of the projects page. Doxygen documentation of the underlying ... [Read more...]

Introduction à Monte Carlo en R

November 11, 2009 | xi'an

Following a proposal by Springer-Verlag Paris, I have decided to translate Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R with George Casella into French, since a new collection of R books (in French) is planed for the Spring of 2010. The translation will a priori be done by Joachim Robert and Robin Ryder, ...
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Free statistics e-books for download

October 25, 2009 | Tal Galili

This post will eventually grow to hold a wide list of books on statistics (e-books, pdf books and so on) that are available for free download.  But for now we’ll start off with just one several books: The Elements of Statistical Learning written by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and ... [Read more...]

The Elements of Statistical Learning

October 14, 2009 | Paolo

The Elements of Statistical Learning written by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman is A-MUST-TO-READ for everyone involved in the data mining field! Now you can legally download a copy of the book in pdf format from the authors websit...
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Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R

August 25, 2009 | James

I have just reviewed the book Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R which has been published in the September2009  issue of the Royal Statistical Society’s Significance magazine. Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R is an accessible text that demonstrates and explains the handling of spatial data using the R ... [Read more...]

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