
the birthday problem [X’idated]

February 1, 2012 | xi'an

The birthday problem (i.e. looking at the distribution of the birthdates in a group of n persons, assuming [wrongly] a uniform distribution of the calendar dates of those birthdates) is always a source of puzzlement [for me]! For instance, here is a recent post on Cross Validated: I have 360 ... [Read more...]

Typo in Chapter 5

September 9, 2010 | xi'an

Gilles Guillot from Technical University of Denmark taught a course based on our R book and he pointed out to me several typos in Chapter 5 of “Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R”: p.137 second equation from bottom should be [right, another victim of cut-and-paste] p. 138  Example 5.7 denominator in the gradient ... [Read more...]

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