Ph Profiles

December 5, 2023 | John MacKintosh

why— layout: post title: That’s a (W)RAP! published: true date: 2023-12-06 image: path: /assets/img/blog/officer.png tags: rstats description: __ An ambition realised as a suite of R powered publications enter the public domain — [Read more...]

Be Part of the Global R community!

December 5, 2023 | R Consortium

Contributed post by Mike Smith, Senior Director Statistics at Pfizer There’s likely a group of people meeting fairly near where you are right now, regardless of where you are in... The post Be Part of the Global R community! appeared first on R Consortium.
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PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R

December 5, 2023 | Numbers around us

# 135–136Puzzles:PQ_135: content filePQ_136: content filePQ_135Lets imagine that we have binning machines in our sport centre. We can set how many balls need to be grouped in one bin/bucket/chest/whatever. We have 10 balls and machine is placing it in ...
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R Solution for Excel Puzzles

December 4, 2023 | Numbers around us

Puzzles no. 334–338PuzzlesAuthor: ExcelBIPuzzles:# 334: content file# 335: content file# 336: content file# 337: content file# 338: content fileLets dive into solutions!Puzzle 334We are given pairs of numbers and we have to find if they are amicable. B...
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Chi-square distribution and test in R

December 3, 2023 | Ponne, Bruno

Greetings, humanists, social and data scientists! Was there an association or relationship between gender and the verdicts in investigations in 18th-century London? If an inquest concerned a man, did this fact influence the final verdict of the in...
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Statistics without mathematics series

December 3, 2023 | ["Cole Davis"]

The Statistics without Mathematics books from Vor Press are available in a variety of ‘skins’. In all versions, including those using jamovi, the subject is taught without statistical formulae in order to reduce ‘statistics anxiety’.
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A Comparison of Several qeML Predictive Methods

December 3, 2023 | matloff

Is machine learning overrated, with traditional methods being underrated these days? Yes, ML has had some celebrated successes, but these have come after huge amounts of effort, and it’s possible that similar effort with traditional methods may have produced similar results. A related issue concerns the type of data. ...
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Ten Lords-a-Leaping

December 3, 2023 | Jerry Tuttle

Just what is a lord-a-leaping? Well, what is a lord? A lord is a title of nobility, usually inherited, that exists in the UK and other countries. And those lords like to leap, especially during the twelve days of Christmas. The song the Twel...
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