Articles by xi'an

delayed in Seattle

August 8, 2015 | xi'an

Here are the slides of my talk on delayed acceptance I present this afternoon at JSM 2015, in Seattle, in the Bayesian Computation I (2pm, room CC-4C1) and II (4pm, room CC-3A) sessions Omiros Papaspiliopoulos and myself put together (sponsored by IMS and ISBA):Filed under: Books, R, Statistics, ... [Read more...]

Moment conditions and Bayesian nonparametrics

August 5, 2015 | xi'an

Luke Bornn, Neil Shephard, and Reza Solgi (all from Harvard) have arXived a pretty interesting paper on simulating targets on a zero measure set. Although it is not initially presented this way, but rather in non-parametric terms as moment conditions where θ is the parameter of the sampling distribution, constrained by ...
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Egyptian fractions [Le Monde puzzle #922]

July 27, 2015 | xi'an

For its summer edition, Le Monde mathematical puzzle switched to a lighter version with immediate solution. This #922 considers Egyptian fractions which only have distinct denominators (meaning the numerator is always 1) and can be summed. This means 3/4 is represented as ½+¼. Each denominator only appears once. As I discovered when looking on ...
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Le Monde puzzle [#920]

July 22, 2015 | xi'an

A puzzling Le Monde mathematical puzzle (or blame the heat wave): A pocket calculator with ten keys (0,1,…,9) starts with a random digit n between 0 and 9. A number on the screen can then be modified into another number by two rules: 1. pressing k changes the k-th digit v whenever it exists ...
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MCMskv, Lenzerheide, 4-7 Jan., 2016 [news #1]

July 19, 2015 | xi'an

The BayesComp MCMski V [or MCMskv for short] has now its official website, once again maintained by Merrill Lietchy from Drexel University, Philadelphia, and registration is even open! The call for contributed sessions is now over, while the call for posters remains open until the very end. The novelty from ... [Read more...]

Leave the Pima Indians alone!

July 14, 2015 | xi'an

“…our findings shall lead to us be critical of certain current practices. Specifically, most papers seem content with comparing some new algorithm with Gibbs sampling, on a few small datasets, such as the well-known Pima Indians diabetes dataset (8 covariates). But we shall see that, for such datasets, approaches that are ...
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R brut

July 2, 2015 | xi'an

Filed under: Kids, pictures, R, Statistics, University life Tagged: cex, pch, plot, R [Read more...]

arXiv frenzy

June 23, 2015 | xi'an

In the few past days, there has been so many arXiv postings of interest—presumably the NIPS submission effect!—that I cannot hope to cover them in the coming weeks! Hopefully, some will still come out on the ‘Og in a near future: arXiv:1506.06629: Scalable Approximations of Marginal Posteriors in ... [Read more...]

dynamic mixtures [at NBBC15]

June 17, 2015 | xi'an

A funny coincidence: as I was sitting next to Arnoldo Frigessi at the NBBC15 conference, I came upon a new question on Cross Validated about a dynamic mixture model he had developed in 2002 with Olga Haug and Håvård Rue [whom I also saw last week in Valencià]. The ...
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the Flatland paradox [#2]

May 26, 2015 | xi'an

Another trip in the métro today (to work with Pierre Jacob and Lawrence Murray in a Paris Anticafé!, as the University was closed) led me to infer—warning!, this is not the exact distribution!—the distribution of x, namely since a path x of length l(x) will corresponds ...
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another viral math puzzle

May 24, 2015 | xi'an

After the Singapore Maths Olympiad birthday problem that went viral, here is a Vietnamese primary school puzzle that made the frontline in The Guardian. The question is: Fill the empty slots with all integers from 1 to 9 for the equality to hold. In other words, find a,b,c,d,e,...
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quantile functions: mileage may vary

May 11, 2015 | xi'an

When experimenting with various quantiles functions in R, I was shocked [ok this is a bit excessive, let us say surprised] by how widely the execution times would vary. To the point of blaming a completely different feature of R. Borrowing from Charlie Geyer’s webpage on the topic of ... [Read more...]

arbitrary distributions with set correlation

May 10, 2015 | xi'an

A question recently posted on X Validated by Antoni Parrelada: given two arbitrary cdfs F and G, how can we simulate a pair (X,Y) with marginals  F and G, and with set correlation ρ? The answer posted by Antoni Parrelada was to reproduce the Gaussian copula solution: produce (X’,Y’) ...
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corrected MCMC samplers for multivariate probit models

May 5, 2015 | xi'an

“Moreover, IvD point out an error in Nobile’s derivation which can alter its stationary distribution. Ironically, as we shall see, the algorithms of IvD also contain an error.”  Xiyun Jiao and David A. van Dyk arXived a paper correcting an MCMC sampler and R package MNP for the multivariate ...
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take those hats off [from R]!

May 4, 2015 | xi'an

This is presumably obvious to most if not all R programmers, but I became aware today of a hugely (?) delaying tactic in my R codes. I was working with Jean-Michel and Natesh [who are visiting at the moment] and when coding an MCMC run I was telling them that I ...
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Le Monde puzzle [#909]

April 30, 2015 | xi'an

Another of those “drop-a-digit” Le Monde mathematical puzzle: Find all integers n with 3 or 4 digits an single interior zero digit, such that removing that zero digit produces a divider of x. As in puzzle #904, I made use of the digin R function: and simply checked all integers up to 10⁶: which ...
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the most patronizing start to an answer I have ever received

April 29, 2015 | xi'an

Another occurrence [out of many!] of a question on X validated where the originator (primitivus petitor) was trying to get an explanation without the proper background. On either Bayesian statistics or simulation. The introductory sentence to the question was about “trying to understand how the choice of priors affects a ... [Read more...]

scale acceleration

April 23, 2015 | xi'an

Kate Lee pointed me to a rather surprising inefficiency in matlab, exploited in Sylvia Früwirth-Schnatter’s bayesf package: running a gamma simulation by rgamma(n,a,b) takes longer and sometimes much longer than rgamma(n,a,1)/b, the latter taking advantage of the scale nature of b. I ...
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