Articles by R on Guangchuang Yu


October 12, 2010 | R on Guangchuang Yu

It is very common to cluster genes based on their expression profiles, and also very common to integrate Gene Ontology to observe the distribution of biological processes, molecular functions and cellular components for a given gene list. But, what if the two in combination? The Gene Ontology distributions across a ... [Read more...]

highlight R syntax in wordpress using wp-codebox

October 10, 2010 | R on Guangchuang Yu

Tal Galili’s blog post mentioned that WP-Syntax can highlight R codes. I downloaded the modified version of WP-Syntax in his blog site. The plugin throw an error when activated. I did not try the original version hosted in Wordpress. I found that WP-CodeBox use GeShi for syntax highlighting as ... [Read more...]
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