Articles by R on easystats

News from easystats: updated parameters and see packages.

November 24, 2019 | R on easystats

New Features of the parameters and see Package We’re excited to announce some news from the easystats-project. Two packages were updated recently, the parameters-package and our visualization-toolbox, the see-package. Before we start introducing some of the new features, we’d like to explain why you need the see-package to ...
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The ‘see’ package: beautiful figures for easystats

May 26, 2019 | R on easystats

The see package We have recently decided to collaborate around the new easystats project, a set of packages designed to make your life easier. This project encompasses several packages, devoted for instance to model access or Bayesian analysis, indices of model performance or visualisation. Without further ado, please let us ...
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The ‘see’ package: beautiful figures for easystats

May 26, 2019 | R on easystats

The see package We have recently decided to collaborate around the new easystats project, a set of packages designed to make your life easier. This project encompasses several packages, devoted for instance to model access or Bayesian analysis, indices of model performance or visualisation. Without further ado, please let us ...
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