Articles by Noam Ross

Ryan Peek on Customizing Your R Setup

November 2, 2012 | Noam Ross

Ryan Peek showed us how to use an .Rprofile file to customize your R setup. Here are his instructions and script: For Windows To change profile for R, go here: C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.1\etc (or whatever version you are using) Edit the “” file Restart R For ... [Read more...]

A quick introduction to ggplot()

October 5, 2012 | Noam Ross

I gave a short talk today to the [Davis R Users’ Group] about ggplot. This what I presented. Additional resources at the bottom of this post ggplot is an R package for data exploration and producing plots. It produces fantastic-looking graphics and allows one to slice and dice one’s ... [Read more...]

An R Users’ Group in Davis

September 24, 2012 | Noam Ross

I’m excited to share that we’ve started a new R users’ group at UC Davis! Right now our main purpose is to run weekly 2-hour work/hack sessions where R users can get together to work through problems together. More info here [Read more...]

Exploring Pollen Data

April 2, 2012 | Noam Ross

I wrote a few functions to grab data and from the Global Pollen Database:
## Loading required package: stratigraph
## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: graphics
## Loading required package: stats
billys <- <span>getpctAP</span>(<span>"billys"</span>, <span>plot =</span> <span>TRUE</span>)
## Number of taxa:  105 
## Number of levels:  77
Arboreal Pollen over time at Billy’s Lake Clearly, there’s are trends at different time scales. The trouble with using S-Maps on this is that there are uneven sampling intervals. One option is to ... [Read more...]
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