Articles by klr

Utility Spread and Financial Turbulence

May 23, 2011 | klr

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN GAINS AND LOSSES. In Long XLU Short SPY Part 2 (More History), I explored the defensive nature of the spread and its potential as a bond substitute in troublesome periods for stocks...
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Long XLU Short SPY Part 2 (More History)

May 20, 2011 | klr

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN GAINS AND LOSSES. The Fed is on a roll adding BAC ML Bond Indicies and now complete history for the four primary Dow Jones Indexes, so I wanted to extend my first post Long XLU Shor...
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Long XLU Short SPY

May 20, 2011 | klr

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN GAINS AND LOSSES. I spend my days and nights wondering what a bond manager should do if he/she doesn’t like bonds, but also cannot sit in 0% cash.  I generally dislike spreads...
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Spreads and Stress

May 20, 2011 | klr

Since we have the Gifts from BAC ML and the Federal Reserve, I thought I should look at another interesting element of bonds.  Bond spreads act as a very strong symbol of financial stability and confidence.  The St. Louis Fed Stress Index is ...
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Wonderful New Blog TimeSeriesIreland

May 18, 2011 | klr

I returned from Scotland to find a wonderful new blog from Ireland  To highlight his work, I thought I would apply his most recent post AIB Stock Price, EGARCH-M, and rgarch to the S&P 500.  Clearly...
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Gifts from BAC ML and the Federal Reserve

May 17, 2011 | klr

Bank of America Merrill Lynch and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fed continue to surprise me with even more gifts.  This time they added Emerging Market Bond Indexes with history back to 1998 (cannot see Asia Pacific Crisis of 1997-1998 but...
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Omega as Optimizer

May 16, 2011 | klr

During Jan Straatman’s presentation, I tweeted Jan Straatman #cfa2011 In real life no normal distributions so use omega function to optimize actual returns After the presentation, I asked Jan his second choice for optimization after Omega, and he re...
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R Exercise with USDA Data

May 4, 2011 | klr

After the helpful comment by Bradley on my post Commodity Index Estimators, How about the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)? Looks like they have information for prices received back to 1908 for many agricultural goods (http://www.nass.u...
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CPI and US 10y Treasury Extreme –> System Idea

May 3, 2011 | klr

When I see extremes, I feel compelled to explore. The US 10y Treasury yield is at an extreme versus the annualized 3 month CPI rate of change. From TimelyPortfolio Of course, I have to try to build a system around the idea.  While this 3 mont...
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Commodity Index Estimators

May 2, 2011 | klr

In this post I will show my first try at a commodity index substitute.  Regular readers know my frustration with proprietary data as I try to demonstrate various techniques to users who might not have the resources to pay for the data.  I hav...
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Another Use of LSPM in Tactical Portfolio Allocation

April 29, 2011 | klr

After the slightly unconventional use of LSPM presented in Slightly Different Use of Ralph Vince’s Leverage Space Trading Model, I thought I should follow up with something that more closely resembles my interpretation of Ralph Vince’s book. LSPM s...
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