Articles by Julia Silge

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love R CMD Check

April 17, 2016 | Julia Silge

Last week, I officially became the maintainer of a CRAN package! My package for the texts of Jane Austen’s 6 completed, published novels, janeaustenr, was released on CRAN and my Twitter feed was filled with congratulatory Jane Austen GIFs. I think this might be my favorite. .@juliasilge *clears schedule**opens @...
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Who Came to Vote in Utah’s Caucuses?

April 8, 2016 | Julia Silge

Late last month, I analyzed results from Utah’s Republican and Democratic caucuses to show how the different presidential candidates fared across Utah. That was fun work to do, but I realized there was one more map I wanted to make; I want to compare the Republican and Democratic voter ... [Read more...]

Trump Losing and Feeling the Bern in Utah

March 24, 2016 | Julia Silge

Well, it’s been an interesting election season so far, right? Everybody holding up OK? Utah held its caucuses this past Tuesday on March 22 and I thought I would do a bit of plotting to show the results. We can get the JSON data from CNN, as pointed out by ... [Read more...]

My Baby Boomer Name Might Have Been “Debbie”

February 28, 2016 | Julia Silge

I have always loved learning and thinking about names, how they are chosen and used, and how people feel about their names and the names around them. We had a traditional baby name book at our house when I was growing up (you know, lists of names with meanings), and ... [Read more...]

Your Floor Is the Most Dangerous Thing In Your House

February 16, 2016 | Julia Silge

I saw this analysis at Flowing Data about the most common consumer products involved in hospital ER visits and was delighted, interested, etc. Nathan’s next related post is, um, also super interesting, if entirely horrifying. Apparently, I am not the only one who thought this data set was compelling, ... [Read more...]

A Tall Drink of Water

February 10, 2016 | Julia Silge

In a previous post, I used water consumption data from Utah’s Open Data Catalog to explore what kind of users consume the most water in my home here in Salt Lake City, what the annual pattern of water use is, and how the drought of the past few years ... [Read more...]

Death Comes to Us All

February 4, 2016 | Julia Silge

I have been working with a data set on causes of death in my adopted home state of Utah for a little while now, and I had been struggling with the best way to visualize it. This week, David Robinson released the gganimate package to create animated ggplot2 plots and ... [Read more...]

Connecting Religion and Demographics

January 31, 2016 | Julia Silge

I have my second guest post up today at Ari Lamstein’s blog where I conclude my exploration of the Religious Congregations and Membership Study at the ARDA. In this post I show how we can look at the relationships between a data set like the religion census and demographic ... [Read more...]

Mapping US Religion Adherence by County in R

January 25, 2016 | Julia Silge

Today’s guest post is by Julia Silge. After reading Julia’s analysis of religions in America (“This is the Place, Apparently“) I invited her to teach my readers how to map information about US Religious Adherence by County in R. Julia can be found blogging here or on Twitter. ...
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More Fun with Choropleth Maps

January 24, 2016 | Julia Silge

I have a guest post up today at Ari Lamstein’s blog where I show some more fun things that can be done with the Religious Congregations and Membership Study at the ARDA that I used to look at Utah. I looked in some detail at Iowa ahead of their ... [Read more...]

Water World

January 18, 2016 | Julia Silge

I live in Utah, an extremely dry state. Like much of the western United States, Utah is experiencing water stress from increasing demand, episodes of drought, and conflict over water rights. At the same time, Utahns use a lot of water per capita compared to residents of other states. According ... [Read more...]

Health Care Indicators in Utah Counties

January 10, 2016 | Julia Silge

The state of Utah (my adopted home) has an Open Data Catalog with lots of interesting data sets, including a collection of health care indicators from 2014 for the 29 counties in Utah. The observations for each county include measurements such as the infant mortality rate, the percent of people who don’... [Read more...]

This Is the Place, Apparently

January 2, 2016 | Julia Silge

My family and I moved to Utah about 5 years ago and we have found ourselves thoroughly in love in with our new home state. I didn’t know much about it before we began the process of contemplating a move here, and I find that is often true of many ... [Read more...]

Ten Thousand Tweets

December 7, 2015 | Julia Silge

I started learning the statistical programming language R this past summer, and discovering Hadley Wickham’s data visualization package ggplot2 has been a joy and a revelation. When I think back to how I made all the plots for my astronomy dissertation in the early 2000s (COUGH SUPERMONGO COUGH), I ... [Read more...]
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