Articles by George Mount

What is an open source software distribution?

July 13, 2021 | George Mount

I remember when I first got into Python and heard about Anaconda. It wasn’t really clear to me if Anaconda was a “dialect” of Python code, a really awesome suite of tools for working with Python, or something else. Turns out that Anaconda is first and foremost a distribution ...
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Free checklist: 30 Days to Data Analyst

July 7, 2021 | George Mount

“How do I get better at data?” is a question I get a lot. It’s an interesting one to answer — plenty of great resources are out there, it’s just a matter of finding the right sequence for the right objective and circumstances. I assume “get better at data” ...
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Memorable quotes from Advancing into Analytics

May 15, 2021 | George Mount

As a data educator, I’ve helped plenty of self-styled math- and technophobes find out that data and analytics is for them, and it’s fun. These learners are often pretty surprised by how approachable and humorous many analytics professionals are. I mean, not all of us are out of ...
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Why data analysts should learn to code

April 10, 2021 | George Mount

When many hear “data analytics” these days, they think of graphical user interface (GUI)-driven business intelligence (e.g. Tableau), data warehousing (e.g. Snowflake), or data preparation (e.g. Alteryx) platforms. These tools have their place (some more than others) in the analytics stack. But rather than focus on ...
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Teaching coding: What is a faded example?

January 13, 2021 | George Mount

When researching this post, I learned that scaffolding is highly coveted material in Minecraft: Scaffolding helps you reach the top of your builds with ease. Just keep stacking them as you go! It’s also handy for avoiding fall damage. Minecraft Wiki Scaffolding can be used to similar effect when ... [Read more...]

Preview: satRday Columbus

November 10, 2020 | George Mount

Online conferences are getting to be a tough sell: the supply has exceeded the demand. It’s just so hard to make (and keep) the time for a conference when you’re sitting at home, and hard to know what’s quality. At the same time, the communities I belong ...
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R-Powered Excel (satRday Columbus online conference)

October 4, 2020 | George Mount

I am pleased to share I will be speaking at satRday Columbus 2020. This will be a free online event, Saturday November 14, 2020 where people from across the Buckeye State will be sharing how they use the R programming language. View the schedule and register here. I will be presenting a ~20 minute ... [Read more...]

Learning guide: Introduction to R, one-day workshop

September 14, 2020 | George Mount

When I was an undergrad, a professor suggested I learn this statistical programming language called R. I took one look at the interface, panicked, and left. A lot has changed in the R world since then, not the least of which was the release of the RStudio integrated development environment. ...
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Course sequence: Data analytics for the liberal arts

August 31, 2020 | George Mount

I’m a proud liberal arts graduate myself who, with some fumbling, ended up in the world of data analytics. It may sound odd, but I never fancied myself much of a “math person,” and I still love to explore the world through the arts and qualitative methods. I still ...
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Practice R and Python on the Cloud for Free

December 16, 2019 | George Mount

R and Python, the “dynamic duo” of data science, are both free, open-source programming languages. That means that there’s no “vendor” in the sense that, say, Microsoft owns Excel. This can make getting started with these programs a little trickier: there are several ways to install them, often multi-step, ...
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Renaming all files in a folder in R

October 28, 2019 | George Mount

I hate the way files are run in a camera. While it was cool to learn for this post that DSCN stands for “Digital Still Capture – Nikon,” it means nothing to me! For this post, I will be renaming the files that I took from Worden Ledges into a more “...
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