Articles by Christopher Bare

Drawing heatmaps in R

June 24, 2011 | Christopher Bare

A while back, while reading chapter 4 of Using R for Introductory Statistics, I fooled around with the mtcars dataset giving mechanical and performance properties of cars from the early 70's. Let's plot this data as a hierarchically clustered heatmap. # scale data to mean=0, sd=1 and convert to matrix mtscaled [Read more...]

Environments in R

June 4, 2011 | Christopher Bare

One interesting thing about R is that you can get down into the insides fairly easily. You're allowed to see more of how things are put together than in most languages. One of the ways R does this is by having first-class environments. At first glance, environments are simple enough. ...
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Annotated source code

February 1, 2011 | Christopher Bare

We programmers are told that reading code is a good idea. It may be good for you, but it's hard work. Jeremy Ashkenas has come up with a simple tool that makes it easier: docco. Ashkenas is also behind underscore.js and coffeescript, a dialect of ja... [Read more...]

CouchDB and R

October 2, 2010 | Christopher Bare

Here are some quick crib notes on getting R talking to CouchDB using Couch's ReSTful HTTP API. We'll do it in two different ways. First, we'll construct HTTP calls with RCurl, then move on to the R4CouchDB package for a higher level interface. I'll a... [Read more...]

How to send an HTTP PUT request from R

September 27, 2010 | Christopher Bare

I wanted to get R talking to CouchDB. CouchDB is a NoSQL database that stores JSON documents and exposes a ReSTful API over HTTP. So, I needed to issue the basic HTTP requests: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE from within R. Specifically, to get started, I... [Read more...]
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