Articles by Christoph Safferling

Peeling of group layers.

August 6, 2015 | Christoph Safferling

As an experienced dplyr user since almost day one, I thought I knew every aspect of it. But when my new colleague, who is learning dplyr from scratch, asked me to explain the peeling of group layers with summarise, I was like, what? Turns out this... [Read more...]

Add external code to Rmarkdown

October 21, 2014 | Christoph Safferling

Ever been in a position to write a documentation or report about complex R code? Take a Shiny dashboard for example, or other big projects. Maybe you heard it already, with RMarkdown you can simply write markdown code, add some R code to it and render it to pdf, static ... [Read more...]

Rock around the data clock

October 21, 2014 | Christoph Safferling

I had to visualize an hourly distribution of some KPI (assume logins / registrations / purchases per hour), so the idea was, why not build a clock? It’s a nice and intuitive way to present this data. The problem is, that the clock has only 12 hours which are used twice a ... [Read more...]
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